's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 762 views 17 comments
ok i see people bitching, moaning, takeing a piss and being nasty to other members!!! well it got to STOP! its pathetic and childish, im not just talking about PAYALOT im talking to everyone just grow up will you all and stop being little girls and bitching!!!! GOD SAKES



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11 years ago

Greg, you are right perhaps, but untill payalot has insulted you and tormented you or been so down right mean and nasty to you that you have left the site, I suggest you reserve judgement. Everyone below has been on the recieving end of a tyrannical rant and incessant blitz from Payalot in the past and we HAVE THE RIGHT to blow off some steam. Just as you have the right not to read our blogs. Dont ever tell me that I cannot express my feelings in here, What gives you the right to do so> Who the FUCK do you think you are? Untill the Moderator tells me that I have crossed the line I shall continue to DEFEND MY FRIENDS AND SPEAK MY MIND if that bothers you then as we said in Iraq, stick your head back in the sand because a shit storm is coming.

11 years ago

@davey1965... im sorry

11 years ago

Were you caught bitchin like a little girl Jed. Shame on you ..we should all grow up.
I took a Piss on Payalots leg and im so ashamed of myself now.
Hey boys No Bitchin,moanin,cussing,feuding,fighting,name callin,Hair pullin,tongue pokin,
wise crackin,head buttin and Tom foolery......Enough said...im off to bed...

11 years ago

Im so sorry Greg I feel so bad,,,,,, whimper sob ,,,,,, Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,, Sniff sniff can you ever forgive me?

11 years ago

I reload fast

11 years ago

@davey1965...get out the tommygun?....a couple of rapid fires thens he out of ammo and limp

11 years ago

no... deleted my account yesterday because of storm coming and got a new computer

11 years ago

Looks like payalot got booted off again for being nasty

11 years ago

@davey1965...take out the tommy gun???....a couple of rapid fires... and hes out of ammo and limp

11 years ago

everyone who reads these blogs should realize this in all in fun...except for the few that are too serious about a gay website blog...

11 years ago

Oh come on Greg, lighten up. You have to admit at least some of it is funny? Since I came back I decided not to take most everything on here so serious. If you let it get to you, it just ruins the enitre idea of the site. A wonderful place to see great porn! So relax, laugh live love, and remember why Heath Leger said,,,"Why so serious?"

11 years ago

My Super Heroe... Get the Tommy Gunn out and take care of business.

11 years ago

Hereeeeeee I come to save the Dayyyyyyyyyyyyy!

11 years ago

@cuterocker well said, both in the blog and in your post

11 years ago

@cutkiwi.. no i didnt you did ...you started it....no i didnt you did ...you started it....

11 years ago

Cutkiwi I read everything and I know he been nasty but if u keep giving ammo he will keep on doin it, and to me all this is just childish in the end

11 years ago

fair enough but if you check the blogs you see that one guy started it with post after post after post being nasty to Nate and others.