's Blogs

Yummy, Yummy Meat and Eggs!

Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 451 views 18 comments

In the quest to determine what will make me even LESS popular on this site (although I don't know how that could be statistically possible), I've decided to share this fun and interesting video.  Do you folks know what goes into your meat and dairy production?  If you can't watch the video, or do the genocide yourself, you shouldn't be eating it.  Let's see how long this one takes to be deleted.  Best wishes.


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8 years ago

i do know what a veggie burger is and tried it and to be honest didn't like it at all. and no never heard of seitan bacon before today. and i didn't think it would pointless or like talking to a brick wall. u might change one or two people minds about eating meat. anyway i wasn't trying to piss u off either. and i am sorry if u thought i was. i won't comment no more on the subject.

8 years ago

Thanks for the kind words David. Hugs back to you and best wishes.

8 years ago

I love you Will. I am only vegetarian, but I strive to be vegan like you. (Thank you by the way for sending me the links of Daiya & The Vegg, I appreciate them.) (((hugs Will))) To be vegan is to be more responsible, taking a big stand on animal cruelty, climate change, pollution, a host of issues.

8 years ago

BQ, it's pointless to discuss anything with someone who doesn't actually read what I'm typing. Do you know what a Veggie burger is? Do you know what Seitan Bacon is? All of these are derived from plants, and taste almost the same. As far as 75% of people or more will eat meat, probably 75% or more of the planet will continue to engage in pointless war and murder. And your point is? But it's my fault really. I posted this here, and I knew it would be like talking to a brick wall.

8 years ago

anyway all this talk about meat made me hungry again for some beef i sure am glad that cook out is open still :):):) mmmmm burgers and bacon lol

8 years ago

well ur right i do like the taste and the truth of the matter is that people will always eat meat. well 75% or more will and in ur previous remark u stated I eat everything you eat (burgers, pizza, pie, "bacon," and too many more things to mention) but they all are cruelty-free. so i guess that was just a lie however it don't matter cause like i said most people will still eat meat even after they see this vid. my fathers wife sent it along with others like it and again it made me hungry for some meat and as i told my dad they are the lowest on the food chain and well im kinda glad bacon on burgers and chicken taste pretty good to me :):):):)

8 years ago

The footage "looks old" because it had to be recorded on covert undercover cameras, because the industry doesn't want anyone to see it. I don't believe that meat eaters are "the lowest form of life." I believe that eating meat and dairy is unnecessary cruelty, not necessary for survival, and is simply done because you like the taste. Best wishes.

8 years ago

I eat both meat and vegetables. We get our meats from local cattle farms where cattle and other animals are put down in a more humane way. So please don't think that all meat eaters are the lowest forms of life. Your video looks like it's made up from very old footage anyways.

8 years ago

I don't eat meat. I don't eat dairy. That's how I know my diet is cruelty-free. There is no such thing as "humane slaughter."

8 years ago

ok so how do u know that are cruelty free ? do u see them kill the meat ? and ur right thou everything is put on the blog site lol. even cruelty to animals

8 years ago

Yes, I put this on a porn site. People put a lot of things in the blog section of this porn site. Nick hasn't deleted it yet. "God himself I'm sure ate meat?" I don't even know how to respond to that, except read your Bible. According to that myth, the garden was completely Vegan before the fall. They weren't slaughtering pigs in Eden. As far as what I eat? I eat everything you eat (burgers, pizza, pie, "bacon," and too many more things to mention) but they all are cruelty-free. Best wishes.

8 years ago

oh and hey if it matters any my dad and his wife pretty much stopped eating meet many years ago and every now and then they talk to me about it and all it does is make me hungry for meat :)

8 years ago

i am glad i stroked it before i see this video however although i kinda feel bad for the animals doesn't change the fact that after watching it made me hungry and there is nothing like a burger with bacon on it. anyway i sleep well at night as well. and can't see myself given up beef, pork, or chicken or turkey love them all :) :) and lunarwill maybe i should have not said anything however u put this on a porn site. god himself i am sure ate meet. and heck even catchin fish could be considered cruel right. so do u expect everybody to just eat grains ? or stuff just grown from the ground ? and if so im sorry i am a big meat eater :) heck this morning i had milk eggs and bacon mmmmm for lunch had a burger with backon and lets not forget about dinner mmmmm i had me some chicken :) :)

8 years ago

Thanks for at least the consideration Desiderata.

8 years ago

Wow. I think I've got some thinking to do. Thank you for posting this video Lunarwill.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Good for you DM! At least your honest about your insensitivity and cruelty. Best wishes.

8 years ago

I can still eat it. And sleep well at night.