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jimsmith101 Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 421 views 7 comments

how about a writers for us that like to read stories


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6 years ago

I don't know if a new category is required, but I'd definitely like to see more postings of written erotica. It's been good on this site that there's more of that going on.

6 years ago

Check out my profile where you'll find a list of the stories I've written and where to find them.


6 years ago

I was thinking of this site  not going some where  else  i have read stories on this blog are very good  why not give it a try  

6 years ago

Nifty is a great website...  www.nifty.org  full of stories, I wrote one on there a few years ago. I read stories there often.

6 years ago

How about a blog category for those who enjoy writing?  Oh, and then guys who love stories would have exciting things to read!  (What is Nifty?  It sounds familiar but I can't place it)  


I've got loads of true - and I mean true, not fiction, not fantasy - stories from years of interviews I transcribed from tape and notes that where to be published by my university in a legit study regarding actual sexual attitudes and male/male sexual contacts (All ages).  But, of course, we lost funding in 2016 ( likely to cover cost for all those whinny university thumb suckers who needed hot chocolate, plush teddy bears to cuddle with, counseling and facial tissues with lotion, after Trump was elected Prez) and now all that good stuff and all our time and effort may be wasted since the thousands of pages are sitting around in cartons awaiting the new fiscal year and funds reinstated . . . some day.  Yet, should funding resume, these wonderful stories and reminisces of old and young subjects will likely be edited for their graphic content (all the nasty stuff those overly sensitive, politically correct schmucks believe warp minds and seduce straight young men toward their most primitive urges for same sex contact).  Since I haven't received so much as my expenses reimbursed, and I am not contracted not to offer portions of my work as long as I do not profit from the offering, why the hell not share some with you?


The goal of this work involved interviews covering the late 1950's through 2016, with written statements and accounts from journals, diaries, and observations (and 20th/21st century audio recordings) as far back as - I have heard - biblical times, these published and private accounts through the ages being the basis for this work, and the hundreds of "modern" interviews and histories shall conclude that  1) the majority of males are basically bi-sexual and will become involved in same sex relationship should the circumstances be right  2) first sexual contact to orgasm for a male adolescent is usually with another male  3) nearly all adolescent males are attracted to other males, even if they deny themselves that contact  4) nearly all males masturbate at one time in their lives, while the majority of them do so their entire lives  5) Homosexual contact was common and accepted in all cultures until relatively recently.


There is a recent study that concluded 30-som percent of males are Bi.  Ours, so far, places that number far higher since our base is so much larger where we chose males in general and did not simply target "gay" males; their study was based upon a smaller interview base, so I've been told, yet is far greater than those made in more repressive times (I can't mention their titles due to legal fall-out since our work is highly critical of these mid-century, anti-homo works the entire western world accepted as factual, but you know who.what they are) .  Anyway, I'd like to read this latest study but I might find that it could influence my work - if funding is received once more - and even though I am a very minor contributor to this study along with a bunch of other "researchers" and grad-students, I've been assured my name with the others, will appear in the "Acknowledgement" section . . . it does not include a pay hike or bonus.


Should this work be published academically, it will include most of the juicy bits for professional consumption.  Should it be published for the general public, the juicier passages shall be "edited" so as not to offend nor attract the attention of federal law enforcement as - apparently - did the 90's Dr. Hite study regarding male sexuality that included a section on same sex contact between minors.  Since they couldn't recall all the books out in the public, they could and did, interfere with her second edition that included many more interviews and statements regarding gay sexual contact between adolescents and pre-adolescents.  Her book had to be re-edited with all the new and graphic portions deleted, then re-printed and distributed.  Dr. Hite, as I've heard, was threatened with prosecution for writing, publishing and distributing "child pornography!"  There were no photos or illustrations; the interviews were verbatim though certain "profane" words were edited, and the interviewees were all adults at the time they made their statements, yet the government didn't care.  Our "authors"are concerned over this, and if ever published, there will likely be two (2) versions; academic and public.  


Well, enough of that . . . I've got stories and enjoy telling them.  If you have stories, I'd love to hear them . . . and just maybe . . . maybe, a few might even get into this darn study, graphic or not (if the effing thing is ever published!), but don't expect any pay for your contribution.