ArtificialAndroid's Blogs

Is it already too late for us?

ArtificialAndroid Blog Last Activity 4 years ago 1.8K views 92 comments

I fear for humanity, for us.

It seems that every day, news of our impending doom grows ever closer, we are told constantly that we have over populated and over polluted our planet to the brink of collapse, the oceans are being fished out and poisoned with chemicals and a never ending avalanche of plastic, the atmosphere is choking on CO2, and the fossil fuels on which our lives are so reliant, is running out.

its frightening, what can we do? Is there anything we CAN do to stop it?

I’ve often wondered if there are now so many gay people because it is an answer to problem, the earth itself might realise that there are too many of us, by creating more LGBT people, we might breed a bit less( two men cannot conceive naturally nor can two women although we do have ways around that)

maybe im just ranting, I looked out of the window this morning to a beautiful blue sky and a warm October day, and I considered That perhaps things aren’t so bad after all, I hope we all do have a future, I hope we make it, and I hope we get there together, all of us.


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5 years ago

Our planet will of course survive. But just what will it be that puts the final nail in the coffin of the species Homo sapiens sapiens?  


Maybe nuclear Armageddon?  That would probably be from "loose nukes", I’m thinking.  Or else, nuclear spent-fuel which has been "containered" for decades, leaching out from the rusted-out and otherwise-insubstantial containers which housed that "trash" during the Cold War?


Maybe Climate Change? (That in itself would be a race, a race within a race, to see which facet of it would get us first… — would it be the gasping-for-air with insufficient oxygen in it?  The oppressive heat?  The SuperTsunamis and SuperHurricanes drowning the entire planet?) 


Or the pollution crisis, with crappy chemicals choking the air, land, drinking water, and oceans, rendering them uninhabitable? 


Or the plastic situation.  We put bottles of tap water into plastic bottles (the plastic of which is made from fossil fuels) and sell them for a dollar a gulp, INSANE.  We throw plastic packaging on everything to "process" our sexual repression (research over-packaging = sexual repression); and on and on.  When many (most) of these plastics take THOUSANDS OF YEARS to degrade?


Hmm, which one will be the straw that broke the camel's back of our species?  Unfortunately, we’ll never be there to learn from it….  


Unless we can act now (if it’s not already too late — but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try anyway.



(Thank you so much for this blog on Climate Change, as well as Mophead2009’s blog on Plastic Pollution!)

5 years ago

Buy Gold, as much as you can afford.

5 years ago

.............trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.....its all over 12.....

5 years ago

A few months ago i read a book in wich they built a AI (Artificial Intelligence) that should answer exactly these questions. The machine did not work and the programmers needed some months to make it run.

In fact the machine did work from the very first second, it only pretended a malfunction to have more time to compute.

During this time it created a virus that reduces fertility of women. Then it forced the whole world to shut down the internet for three weeks, which brought economics to the edge of destruction.  During this global turmoil it set free the virus and of course nobody realized it.

30 Years later AI was most strictly forbitten. But the positive effects began to work and mankind probably would survive.

The point is: You cannot help mankind within their rules and their morals.

5 years ago

Interesting reading, when I re-visited that former concept of Global Cooling.

(If you read it, please read it all the way through.)

5 years ago


5 years ago

Well. If he keeps going like he is, we're all kind of wondering what kind of world we are going to leave to Keith Richards. 

5 years ago

I agree, We are over populated, we treat the environment like absolute shit. But, I am a car enthusiast, and its gonna kill me when gasoline cars are phased out.

5 years ago

Wow Deep, Very Deep My Friend. The Way I Look at Sexuality, Male Or Female we like what we like, weather its one or the other or hevin forbid both .I't Is What It Is. The Romans Had Partners Of both Sexes Look How Powerful They Were Controlling Almost The Entire Known world.

5 years ago

In the last 24-48 hours, someone here posted a great video on this blog, I forget who it was.  But I saw it and loved it, and commented on it (and what's below from me was just later P.S.s to my initial, lost, remarks).  Unfortunately, he deleted that video, don't know why.  But luckily I typed the video's name into my computer, so can provide it again if anyone else wants to see it.

5 years ago

We have to act now. The Trumpist view has to be repudiated now. I am not saying Trump's base should walk away and not vote, but just think about your sons and daughters  

5 years ago

I've been lucky for the past 9 years.  I had to get a different new-for-me (used) car, because I needed one with A/C in it because I'd signed my dog up for 100 days of a free cancer-drug "trial" (nasty chemotherapy) she qualified for, which would be in the summer in Florida when the poisoning-place (oncology center) was 50 mi. away from both my job & our house.

I lucked into buying the car I still have, a 2004 Honda Civic Hybrid.  It gets 40-50 mpg, mostly because it automatically engine-stops when stopped, is aerodynamic & light, etc. plus is a hybrid which means a huge battery (which has had to be replaced 2x since getting it).  I'm not bragging, because the A/C's dead now & it's got lots of miles on it now.  

Not trying to sound self-righteous, but buying that was one of the better things I've done in my life. My next car (a used one again) will again be (my 4th in a row?) Honda, and will also be a Hybrid.  I would suggest anyone in the car market to look into hybrids.  (They do cost a bit more — I could afford mine ONLY because it's a "Rebuilt", i.e. a formerly "totaled" car that got massively worked back into running order — and I know not everyone can afford it.  But just something to think about?)

5 years ago

Wave-and-tidal energy technology:


5 years ago

The problem isn't "room" or food.  The problem is the mountains of the dregs of our existence deposited in our soils, atmosphere and waters as we go about or daily lives.  We depend on our environment not only to provide for our existence, but the existence of plants and animals we depend on for survival.  Each organism in our ecosystem performs functions that fosters the survival of other organisms, including humans.  As various organisms and species disappear due to pollution, climate changes and destruction of habitat, "ripple" effects spread through the natural world with ever increasing consequences. While I don't suggest we go back to horse and carriage and candles, we need to be much more aware of the effects of our wasteful consumption and be aware of the consequences  of the byproducts left behind.

5 years ago

Behavioural sink-Wikipedia 

5 years ago

We’ve ignored the problem for as long as we could, we are now approaching the tipping point.

5 years ago

ACTUALLY you all do not believe in man made global warming.    You all know that no one can control the weather.    No one knows what the weather beyond a handful of days and even then I would take up any one and tell they actually don't know the weather all of the way up to the point it is fucking happening.    You all also know that the Earth has always changed weather over time to whatever we call extreme.     There are more people than ever and more people living in peace and prosperity than ever before.    (Thanks to freedom and capitalism.)     Don't be mislead believing the doom and gloom.   It's usually people who are intentionally misleading for personal reasons in particular to get other's money OR those who are not as well informed!    

5 years ago

Has anyone ever heard of Gondwanaland, plate tectonics, dinosaurs or meteors? Earth is constantly changing, humans are an evolutionary animal and our time as a species is limited. Geological forces beat governments every time. Humans are greedy and continually want more. You can't constantly reduce the Earth's resources and expect nothing to happen. I'll be dead and have added no extra humans to the planet when the end eventually comes, so I am content... and like others have said I visit GBT for wanking purposes. I have moral debates at university!

5 years ago

Yes. We will become extinct. But why worry now? Barring Nuclear or HERV infection outbreak,we have two or three hundred years left. That means none of you have anything to worry about. Our species overgrazed, that's all. We will suffer the penalty, but not for a long time. Have fun and enjoy. We have a pretty good feeling about which species will prevail after us, which is a great source of happiness as we love them now. Have fun and be happy.  

5 years ago

With a 97% consensus among scientific organizations that Global warming is A) Happening and B) Largely caused by human activities those who refute it really are showing themselves up either A) Too greedy to care, B) Very probably none too bright (and I'm being generous) or in some cases C) Greedy AND Stupid. 

5 years ago

Climate is beyond our power to control... Earth doesn't care about governments or their legislation. You can't find much actual global warming in present day weather observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone's permission or explaining itself.