Wooow!Hot,Gorgeous Boi,Reminds me of when I left school & started my Plumbing Apprenticeship,sent by the firm for a medical,similar to the Boi in video,doctor,Four Finger Fucked me,had me Cum into a plastic tumbler,thought he was gonna Fuck me with his Dick. Next year my foreman told me I had to go to evening surgery,07.00pm,me hoping it would be the same doctor & it was,went through the same proceedier,then he was finger Fucking me,next I had his Cock in my Boihole,Cum his Load in my Boihole,it was great,same following year,Apprenticeship finished,I did,nt have to go again,Such a Shame,Luvved it.xxxx
Next year my foreman told me I had to go to evening surgery,07.00pm,me hoping it would be the same doctor & it was,went through the same proceedier,then he was finger Fucking me,next I had his Cock in my Boihole,Cum his Load in my Boihole,it was great,same following year,Apprenticeship finished,I did,nt have to go again,Such a Shame,Luvved it.xxxx