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7 years ago
when were I am his cockslave i let him run my sex I fuck who he says if i agree we will always be together i said yes instantly. I began blowing and fucking my bro then his 3 friends. we'd get drunk pick up hitch hikers and see if I could blow them. I looked 12 most said yes and fucked me too. he added guys from areas away from home, college an a hot jock good athlete and my brothers cockpig fucking my bro. he was attractive i weas way more popular so guys who acted like he wasnt alive had me be their friend then they were cool with him. at some point he get porn on emply house they hard ons jesse said the best blow job or fuck i can have here for you all weekend who? he told me strip faggot he stripped eventually after i would blow my brother he got naked he'd start with a bj jesse said fuck him he would now he saw jesse was the real boss. the guys never told and would call jessse a couple months askinh favors from jesse. jesse won. i was glad too. jesse left high school i was popular now he used me to make friends his age i would blow or fuck who he said. blonde/blue looking 14 shaved same thing the 5 or 6 guys begged to used me i loved their cocks my ass was tight bjs fantastic he ruled them. not one person revealed i was jesses cock pig. it was under 20 guys all together. i have the same cell number a lot will still call once a month or twice. the guys could do anything to a great looking jock with talent. a lot tried to blow me i said no jesse doesnt allow it. i could have got overhalf. i was hot popular great jock and a virgin but had sex with the best looking guys in school. at 21 jesse would pop my cherry. i wanted only him.