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8 years ago
This boy was enjoying those orgasmic sensations so much, once he had his hand on his penis and started pulling on it, he couldn't stop, the euphoric was too great, and he kept pulling more vigorously as the sensations became more and more earth shattering by the millions, his hand was on his frenulum pulling it down and up getting those bundle of nerves tickled, like glue, he couldn't take it off, and that mushroom glans got stimulated thoroughly too, causing electric pleasure in all the thousands of nerves, and his breathing rate was rapid and sharp, as you could see by the spams on his abs, and the way he was contorting his lips and facial muscles, he must have been reeling from ecstasy, this boy must be 13, he has the arms, body and face of a 13 year old, who hasn't begun shaving yet, this is typical of a 13 year old hooked to the chemical sensation of orgasm- some of them edge for up to 2-3 hours even after ejaculation and have many dry orgasms and shoot blanks.
8 years ago
What was nice about this video was the very alive face of this boy, in contrast with so many boys with virtually lifeless faces, That's important if you consult with my "Standard requirements for superior boy (homo) sex videos". You find the link to that document on my user profile page.