cremaster's Blogs

Democratic National Convention

cremaster Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 1.5K views 51 comments
Hey guys,I live in Charlotte,North Carolina, and next week will we will be inundated by the Democratic National Convention, with politicians and the President of the United States, roaming all over town. There is so much security, it's almost unbelievable. I don't want to start a political diatribe here, but do you think the Dems really support the gay community, or is it just the usual pandering which reached its height during the Clinton administration, the master of pandering and lies? Once he saw that gays in the military would cost him too much poitical capital he moved away fron gay issues, and kissed a few gay asses and ignored gays almost completely. The Republicans are even worse. How do we vote for another panderer, or do we dare vote Republican? I guess it's that worthless Obama again. What's the alternative. Anyone with any ideas?


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11 years ago

Seriously people I usualy avoid discussing politics and religion but all I can say is vote according to your heart. If you believe one is better than another then vote that way. These people who get in your face about one way being the RIGHT WAY make me sick. I was in the Military, yes thats right I served 1 tour in IRAC the garden spot of the Earth till I got shot in the right shoulder and that ended my Military career. Dont tell me your way is the right way to think or believe, Everyone in this country has the freedom of choice. All I ask you to do Is vote, if you dont vote then you dont have a right to complain about how things are. AS FAR AS ANYTHING ELSE I HAVE ONE MOTTO: TRY TO MAKE EVERYONES DAY A BIT BRIGHTER THAN IT WAS BEFORE YOU ENTERED IT! :-)

11 years ago

Healthy opinions on both sides - democracy in action. We all have our choices or likes and dislikes. No matter what - I'm pround to be from the USA and lucky to have been born here. But rest assured, I will fight (at the ballot box) for my beliefs. I hope ALL will. It's not a right but a privledge. VOTE!!!

11 years ago

andy, well said and thanks for serving us americans, hope u ok, some come back and have this politician out and get the US back to business, jobs and economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

You Obama haters obviously hate yourselves as well. Go and vote republikant and when they lock you up in concentration camps don't come crying to me. Go vote for people who want to amend the constitution to officially declare you to be second or third class citizens. Go vote for Mitt who beat up gay kids in school. Go vote for Ryan who didn't say 1 truthful thing in his speech. You are pathetic.

11 years ago

You Obama haters obviously hate yourselves as well. Go and vote republikant and when they lock you up in concentration camps don't come crying to me. Go vote for people who want to amend the constitution to officially declare you to be second or third class citizens. Go vote for Mitt who beat up gay kids in school. Go vote for Ryan who didn't say 1 truthful thing in his speech. You are pathetic.

11 years ago

andy, you should have told us what you really think. stop beating around the bush. actually, a great post, bud. i agree with your words. i'm not that firery or elequent. i feel the same tho. glad to have you back. yer still a punk. thanks. ..mike

11 years ago

WOW!!!! What a Blog - Now others can see how opportune my trip OUT-OF-TOWN was fortunate. I'm believe in progress but that doesn't make me a 'Progressive Idiot' I think they are called "Judas Goats" - they lead the lambs to slaughter. I'm proud to say I'm from North Carolina and I HOPE Obama NEVER COMES BACK. I counted 89 Bill Boards while traveling to the NCcoast and return. Never saw not "1" in favore of Obama. FINALLY, have people comes to their senese. Obama is a TRUE politician and not a good one. He panders to ALL groups for their VOTES but only cares about HIS SOCIALIST Agenda and running this country into the groung. If Obama is possibly re-elected, WELL, Good by Liberty and Rule of Law. Good by Constitution, good by JUSTICE - R.I.P. USA.

People feel strong about their politics - NOW Pandoras box has been opened along with all of it's horrors. I am ASHAMED to be called an American in the current state our country has fallen into. OBAMA has to GO - We can't afford him nor want hime any longer. I have friends here who are on both sides of the fence and I support their RIGHTS. I FOUGHT for this Country for all to have their rights. I respect yours - you respect mine. Thanks Billybuddy, letsGO. mike1946, caseycr1977, butterlips, johydep, cas92 and so MANY MORE. Who said gays don't love or not support OUR Country.

NOW put your opinions where they belong. REGISTER and VOTE the "BUM" OUT OF WASHINGTON. He's the Most 'UNPATRIOTIC" Commander In Chief and one of the WORST ever to hold the Office. I am glad and PROUD of The US Military for obeying and respecting the Constitution many have fought and DIED for, or KING Obama would already been ousted from office. He's in VIOLATION of his Oath Of Office and should be impeached. I took an oath to defend this country from ALL ENEMYS from both foreign and with in. I'm VOTEING "AGAISNT KING OBAMA". May we never be embarrased by such an idiot ever again. SO SAD to see Our first Black President act like the biggots said he would - he has made so many suffer for his personal agenda. By the way - OUR Constitution doesn't have a provision for 'Executive Orders'. Who does he think he is by picking and chooseing what laws HE wants to or doesn't want to enforce - SHAME ON YOU. Time for you to return to Chicago politics from which you were hatched.

OK - I'm done. Made my statement and I WILL VOTE and in so doing, defend my Country from this IDIOT - Andy (If I offended - sorry, just exerciseing my RIGHTS)

11 years ago

OBAMA BIN LADEN for another 4 years, and we will be the united states of outsoring of america, it's bad now whatb will happen the next 4 years besides opening up all borders for the illegals and give them citezenship for votes

11 years ago

I dont know about anyone else but I plan to win the lottery and buy my own island and declare myself King. Anyone may immigrate to my island as long as they are nice tolerant and are not stupid. ( if you have ever been on one of those TV shows showing how stupid you are, forget it) My main rule is we all get along or go away. Sexual harassment is not tolerated it is graded

11 years ago

well look at it this was at least there are plenty of dicks in town!

11 years ago

Thank you ismealan for you well written and thoughtful post. When the debate moves to debasing the other side and not stating the case for what your side will isn't a debate, it is children fighting in the sandbox. I said it earlier, I am a progressive...and I am proud of it. And would be happy to discuss the merits, but I will not be a party to a name calling and finger pointing argument. So, that being said, I will sign off this blog, and not return to it. For like you ismealan, it makes me sad to see that in our own community, what we ask others to do for us, we cannot even do for each other.

11 years ago

This blog makes me very sad and frankly makes me 2nd guess if this is the right on-line community for me. I see lecture after lecture on how we need to be respectful, kind, thought full, embrace our differences, and yet all those rules seem to go right out the window when politics come up. Most of the responses have NOTHING to do with what the author of the blog asked but people see a political topic and just seem to say, “here is my chance to go slap around people I disagree with”. Do you realize when you spout off and say “I hate liberals and their agenda, they are out to destroy my country your saying you hate roughly 50% of the nation? Do you realize when you spout off and say “I hate conservatives and their agenda, they are out to destroy my country your saying you hate roughly 50% of the nation? Our leaders, the two parties, and their media mouth pieces have accomplished one thing far and above everything else, they have taught us how to hate and fear each other over political ideology. As for the topic of the blog, if anyone is still reading I will say this on the issue of gay rights. My states republican legislature recently passed a bill making it a crime to fire an employee for buying a fire arm, they made this a priority bill even though in the history of Missouri there has never been a single complaint of a person being fired for that reason, not a SINGLE one. When a similar bill making it a crime to fire someone for being gay was introduced the republicans refused to even allow the bill to be discussed.

11 years ago

Obama is the first president to have the balls to initiate gay rights and tackle the health care mess in other politician has had the chones to open divisive situations and solve them..I'm canadian support him and fear the republicans as we do conservatives here and they hate us..anti abortion..anti gay rights....antiwomens rights..a bunch of dinosaur politicians..welcome the new breed like Obama ...liberal and giving us our rights

11 years ago

i'm lovin it billy. gogogo. you write so well. xoxoxo.

11 years ago

casey what you say about america is so true (and thanks for compliment to me!) i am getting more direct involved for you know my love of heritage (my family especially) and history. obama HATES my heritage. all factual in this movie now in theaters. here is the trailer:

11 years ago

Well said Billy America as we used to know it will no longer exist or survive 4 more years of Mr O

11 years ago

from mister o at the dnc in his speech:

"On every issue, the choice you face won't be just between two candidates or two parties. It will be a choice between two different paths for America. A choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future."

ya two visions. here are:

1) freedom and opportunity
2) more government and more debt

i prefer #1 under original principles of R party. go to then click on 'issues'

now, it well known that mister o read 'rules for radicals' by 'community organizer' sol alinksy. just read this one paragraph from that book and tell me it is not what goes on obama administration!

(this copy/paste from: )

Outlining his strategy in organizing, Alinsky writes:

"There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoyevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families – more than seventy million people – whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labeling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don't encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let's not let it happen by default."


obama believe and indoctrinate others with this and is why i want him out. not cos of skin pigment but socialist philosophies (really lead to communism but that is what 'commun-ity organizers' do!)

they gladly label me 'disable' and toss a bone. no! i work, pay tax and still they want tax on what ancestors dead 200 years now leave for descendant! no! i keep what is earn and give generous to church or organsations to help others. dont need 1000s of gov workers to redistribute what is mine. i redistribute it meself just fine!

also, his 'gay support' is naught less than pander!

so-bama ~ get hand out of me pocket and no that is me comb, not happy to see you and stop touching me and my wallet!

11 years ago

@ billybuddy. Amen to that, Wake up America vote the bum out in November.

11 years ago

Politics SUCK !! I'm too focused on how I'm gonna seduce the new boy in english comp class.

11 years ago

thanks very much billy. i approve your message. god bless you.

11 years ago

i cannot understand how anyone who knows what romney did to save the olympics (not only for salt lake city games ~ but the world!) and think he is out to screw anybody. 'we dont know about him' and 'he doesnt talk about himself'. well, im anglican, but i know that mormons consider it a sin to boast about what they do for others in this life and that is why he does not go on about how great a guy he is. ok let others do it like the parents of that dying 14-year-old boy did. tell me that old couple in their plain manner talking about how romney come help the boy write his will to make sure his friends get his prize possessions and that he be buried in his boy scout uniform and then actually give the eulogy at the funeral! oh that romney is rich! guess what? my family has a lot more than he has! it come literally from centuries of hard work. so some ancestors arrive in boston get land at the right time. others had to work to build this that or the other. then fix old and make new. time and again and the company still in business (ok a different form than way back when thomas first come here from england.) i remember them all like when i go to the old burying ground here. mary ~ great grandmother of our second president. not to be disrespecting them, their bones must be spinnin in their graves at what goes on with the total lack of common sense on the part of liberals in a capitalistic representative republic. no doubt obama read 'rules for radicals' and he is no socialist by that or being a protege of alinsky. this not about race to me ever! it is about preserving our constitution and country and CHANGE always did mean changing and disregarding what america is meant to be. the only fair tax is one that every citizen pay the same! if you earn or have more, you pay more. if you earn or have less, you pay less. but every citizen pays and takes personal responsibility for themselves. government is not meant to be a nanny. it need respect our first freedom, the freedom OF (not from) religion and let the faithful bless those in need. i do. i always will and that is between me and me Creator! He only ask for 10% (that is why i like herman cain's 9% max tax that all pay!) ya let us start companies and try to grow them before murdering them with regs and taxes! let us see if we can make jobs (and in mass right now, they dont even paint the street lines or trim growth blocking signs!) government is for one purpose. keep us safe! no matter what others say about gwb ~ he did that just like his brother said at rnc and about dam time! let me tell you what i know (ya im aspie but also a finance and math genius that cant talk for crap!) romney get elected, plug your ears from the rushing sound of estimate $20-trillion now off shore cos nobody want to lose what they and their families and employees have work so hard for! no mr. obama. i wont lie like alec baldwin and say i leave if you are re-elected. for true i will leave and at least one here knows where i will go. just ironic it back to the place where paternal ancestors fight and die for their religion under king billy, iii and now me (b3/wwb, iii) must leave land of FREE (free?) and home of brave but not arrive again as a subject or EVER pay into the privy purse. that sayed, i would rather be a subject of HM than ever be made a proletariat by america's first RED president (has naught to do with skin pigment but political theory that has always failed one way or other include china, russia and else where!) president obama has had 4 years. he has failed (obamacare a total botch and we all know it). he need be fired the first tuesday this november and what wrong with stand up and say i will proudly vote for romney?! yes i want a business man take care of america as her ceo! as far as 'political diatribe' ~ heck politics is all about diatribe and who does it best ~ gains power ~ has their chance to make it work. obama had a lot of good speeches. now, too many americans left with naught but CHANGE in their bank accounts or pockets. ya, time for some real (romney/ryan) change! im william ward boylston, iii and i approve this blog post without apology or intent of disrespect since we still have free speech here (for now) where i type from ~ the birthplace of the american revolution ~ not from bern, copenhagen, oslo or especially paris! join me and other conservative same gender oriented persons at (ya! like where lincoln start out!)