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Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 512 views 9 comments
Just listenin to the news on the radio and got a jolt when they sai that cannabis/marijuana/weed is now legal in Washinton USA after the election.

Ive never smoked it cause its illegal here (and 2 seconds after lighting up a cop would wallk throuh the door knowing my luck) i dont want to get into trouble.

So is this for real? does this mean i could fly to America, go to washington - and smoke weed standin outside the White House??!! (or the local police station?)

I reckon the "lark factor" alone would b pretty funny :P


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11 years ago

i don't smoke weed. i did give it a try. (40 years) decided not to do it..

11 years ago

Yes, it's now legal in Washington. It's also been legalized in Colorado as well thus giving a whole new meaning to Rocky Mountain High. Progress is slowly being made friends. I think that this election cycle has overall been a pretty good one on many other issues. The Tea Party, Christian "Values" voters, the Koch brothers and other snake oil salesmen have been slapped down hard. There is hope for us after all.

11 years ago

I frankly am happy to see the debate about marijuana for recreational use becoming more open. Being a child of the beginning of the psychedelic age...I have sampled more than my share...well not more than my share...I never did bogart the joint...And to be honest...I would rather hit it than drink. I like the high from it much better than an alcohol haze. It is clear that the war on drugs has not been successful. So instead of spending billions trying to stop it. Less control it, tax it and make some money...and let those that want to use it...enjoy it. Just sayin' Thomas

11 years ago

ah okies just been reading wikipedia and reckon i got that wrong - yeah bout 5000 km away hahahaha (im still bit new to usa georgraphy) but still say its a good idea in tht state, let dudes smoke weed if they want to I reckon.

11 years ago

Washington State is on the west coast and is a state. Washington D.C. is on the Eastcoast and is not a state it is the district of Columbia where the capitol of the USA is located

11 years ago

Whats the diference between Washinton state and Washington Dc? (not quite with u) isnt washington - washington?

11 years ago

Yes it is true and it is Washington State not Washington DC where the White House is though come to think of it, it should be legal in Washington DC, Pot Heads could surely do a better job than the current congress. It is also now legal in Colorado and the professor is correct, I beleive while in either state you can be smoking pot and while not breaking a state law still be breaking a federal law, though it could be one trumps the other but it is a good point. Also I smoked more than a few blunts in my day and the effect is not that much different a feeling than alcohol I dont think.

11 years ago

Indeed it is for real, however the state says it is legal the federal government says it is not so there shall be some major legal battles I expect