akradman's Blogs

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akradman Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 891 views 5 comments
How do I post a profile picture? Every picture I try to upload says it is too big


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12 years ago

Try the free REAL player 14 'REAL Networks' for vids, easy to use....!!!!

cheers Ron

12 years ago

Ok, I figured out the profile picture. How do I upload videos or pictures to the "my videos" or "my pictures" area. I figured out the favorites part, but cannot figure out the "my videos" or "my pictures" area.

Thank you for your advice grangeol =]

12 years ago

You need to resize your photo to about 100x100 pixels. The photo program that comes with windows has a resize function on the edit menu that will do this.

12 years ago

google a picture resizer

12 years ago

same as me ive given up tryen lol