's Blogs

Sunday Thought

Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 317 views 10 comments
<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/1236009_10203447613770682_824123251_n.jpg" alt="" width="565" height="154" /></p>


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10 years ago

usual pages, Nate88, Davey1965 and GBT (not pedophiles)

10 years ago

A good difference between the rainbow and the bulge is that at least to see a nice, attractive bulge you don't have to wait for a rain storm. LOL.

10 years ago

Last time I was out, some cute guy passed me.. and I could not help myself but stare down at his bulge.. it was noticable! lol. Thank goodness he did not spot me looking lol

10 years ago

ah yes hehe

10 years ago

It's even better when they stare back at you.

10 years ago

gets the imagination flowing

10 years ago

Yes for a long time LOL

10 years ago

amen to that. good mind stimulation to imagine what lies underneath.

10 years ago

Agreed! Definitely agreed.