austinpscottt's Blogs

are you interested in other planets

austinpscottt Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 495 views 11 comments



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7 years ago

Anything to do with planets interests me including the Voyager mission Voyager 1 ( Sept 5 1977) and Voyager 2 just 16 days before that ( 

7 years ago

A cute boy lives down the road from me.  Would like to see his home, does that count?

7 years ago

If you want to see venus with your own eyes it´s the brightest star in the evening (dusk) in the east side of the sky. If you wait until the early morning at 4 or 5 o´clock and you look at the brightest star in the western side of the sky - that´s Jupiter. But don´t hesitate too long - planets are moving..

7 years ago

i want to be on uranaus

7 years ago

Saturn is so light as its made mostly of gas and would float in a very large bowl of water.

William Herschel who discovered Uranus lived to be 84 the same amount of time it takes Uranus to orbit the sun.

the first British women in space came from mars  ( that is she used to work for the confectionary company mars)

CT scanners used by hospitals are a result of space exploration.

7 years ago

hello, I was recently on Saturn, is not very comfortable, better to go to Mars, it is more interesting and people them is kinder (there are nicer guys)

7 years ago

I'll visit uranus and you can visit myanus. 

7 years ago

i think we have our hands full with this one

7 years ago

I often feel if i come from another planet if no one understands me sometimes :-) So i must be an martian, that would explain a lot of things ;-)

7 years ago

Visiting The "Angry Red Planet" is on my bucket list. BTW, it is actually orange. ;-]