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how many years

Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 2.2K views 24 comments
how many years yunger than u would u have sex wit


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12 years ago

Has to be legal or no go.

12 years ago

When I hooked up with my present partner I was 62 and he was 22 ...6 years on and we are still together but we have an open relationship so far as sex is concerned ... that's ony fair to him and I know that he would never hook up with anyone just because he had good sex with them.
I am young at heart and always optimistically looking ahead.... when I was 21 I had my first gay
affair with a 14 year old who took the initiative ..and that was in the conservative 60's (when all gay sex was illegal in the UK).

12 years ago

Yeaah....nice one .....'nez1175' !!!!!! Your comment is very interesting caus it gives us a real picture of what is going on in the minds and the souls of the younger generation. When I was 16 yo. I was'nt attracted to men and my first best love (Robert 14 yo.) although his appearance was more in the age range of an 11 yo. his mature mentality was more a comparison with a 20 yo. We were in a closet and spent 3-4 days a week making love and sleeping together in a single bed. Very often I caught Roberts eyes staring at the asses of attractive men who where around their 30's and 40's and from experience I knew that his preference was to pound my ass which was his favorite sexual activity. Yeah well, all I'm trying to say is that he admitted being atracted to men and that they existed in his sexual dreams as he would be the top and all the men where the bottoms.....this was quite amazing behind the fact that he looked more like a small toddle who did'nt even have one hair on his asshole ar even under his armpits and his voice was'nt even broken either. Yeah well, so there is something for all of you guys to think about.

12 years ago

over legal age and we are interested in each other works

12 years ago

i would love to find a younger guy to be with :)

12 years ago

maturity in purberty this fast developing world is

12 years ago

a 20yo will want a 17yo, a 17yo would want a 15yo, a 15yo would want a 13, It all fluctuates reversing the order.

12 years ago

Age is no factor as long as the difference is legal. Different countries have different age limits.

12 years ago

has to be leagal age

12 years ago

2 years younger

12 years ago

as long its legal its oke

12 years ago

I agree with scottishot, it has to be legal.

12 years ago

As long as it's legal

12 years ago

come on age has everything to do with it in today's world, I would say for me 19 would be the youngest.

12 years ago

age just number. it if somebody being used and taken advantage of that matter. when i was 13 i knew what i wanted even though i not legal age, just because boy get to 18 does not mean they not get used. as long as it between 2 people that old enough to make choice. i think as soon as you start puberty you know your mind and know what you want sexually. i know when i was 13 1 wanted and enjoyed sex with older men, i dont consider myself damaged in any way.

12 years ago

im 17 so probs 15 i think depends like

12 years ago

Age is just a number. If both are willing then age SHOULD mean nothing. But of course everything that's fun or entertaining anymore is frowned upon.

12 years ago

i also think that age shouldn't be an issue if two people like each other then there should not be a problem as long as they are of legal age and mature enough to know what they are doing

12 years ago

he should be younger, but at least be 18, but the sympathy is important - without sympathy is with me nothing. It wants everyone's having fun while

12 years ago

I'm 54 and I'm having a sexual relationship with an 18 year old. We've had sex fun 3 times since we met. He started working with me 2 weeks ago.

12 years ago

to be honest age really should be a factor i think that if two people care about one another it should matter.