nodrma26's Blogs


nodrma26 Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 577 views 6 comments
I'm 28 and have been working in the mining industry for ten years. I just recently lost my job again. I have been trying to keep going everyday but the stress of losings my home has taken a toll on me. I search everyday for a job but it does no good. I have shut my friends and family out since i lost my job. is there something wrong with me. i ask myself everyday what have i done to deserve this. just wondering if anyone else has gone through something like this and feels the way i do in this awful economy.


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12 years ago

I am around your age, and have a BA and the only job I could find was Hospital Valet. So I decided to joined the military. It provides $, food, and a place to live, and depending on your job and what branch a chance to see the world. It might not be for you but it is something to consider. Also try not to block out your family at least. If they are there for you go to them that is what family is for, to help each other when times are tough.

12 years ago

What you feel is depression, maybe even feeling sorry for yourself. You think everything good has abandoned you. When you're in this mindset, you don't feel like being with the ones you love, maybe because you might think something stupid like they might think you're a failure and may even pity you. But let me tell you, the people who love you don't feel that way. Open up. They are there to help you. They love you, that's what good friends and family are for, to be there for you, to help you up that horrendous mountain you think you see in front of you. There's not a damn thing wrong with you, you're hurt and scared. Like everyone else in your predicament, you have to take it one day at a time. How does it go? "HE doesn't give you more than you can bear." It's hard to believe, but it's so true. Give it time friend. Your doing what you're suppose to do, going out and looking for work. That's all you can do. Don't give up! Keep your head up! And if you feel it's getting too much for you, try and find someone and let it all out. You need some positive reinforcement and love. Good luck! Life will get good. I promise. : )

12 years ago

thanks alot guys for they advise by the way im not a coal worker im a mineral miner (rock, limestone, granite quarry's). Thanks livingnude i will check thows companies out.

12 years ago

The first step in getting through this bout of self doubt it to stop thinking in the negative. Turn the half empty glass into a glass that is half full. Never allow your self to wallow in self pity. If you do you'll end up in the gutter. If there are opportunities to do unpaid voluntary work in your area then get involved. NEVER sit about doing nothing, that's when the rot sets in. Maintain your self respect and dignity at all times. Life is not meant to be easy. Every single person suffers at some time in their lives.

Don't shut out your family and friends. All you are doing there is feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe you can't see that but others see it that way. That's what I mean by maintaining your self respect. I worked in the oil indusrty for many years as an engineer. I knew things would change and retrained for a new career. Maybe you need to think of a new direction.

12 years ago

If your mineing expertise is COAL. You are notto blame unless you voted for the current Administration in Washington. Didn't youknow their is an Executive order banning any new construction of coal powered power plants and if a current plant has to shut down to make improvements, they will have to discontinue using coal as well. No there isnothing wrong with you and about 18% of the people in the U.S. loosing their jobs. It's not an illness of the people but a disease of power and greed in Washington. I now stemp down from my soap box. By the way, be proud of your work and your self and don't stop looking - good luck and God bless.