's Blogs

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 684 views 12 comments
I have received a direct comment that no one could comment on my blog. I know I sounded very self pitying. And I realize that I am an older dude who is still fascinated with the younger man. I have never seen myself as the age I am. I appreciate all of you that have friended me on this site. My only goal has been to provide things of quality and interest to the community. At the same time, I have years of experience on what it means to be out and proud. My journey has probably been different than most of you. But, at the same time, experience provides perspective. I would love to be a resource for those that are searching towards a future. Thank you.

I enjoy this site so much. And at the same time, quite often have the feeling I am not really a part of this community. Not sure why I feel that way. No one has really done me harm. Perhaps it is that I feel like an outsider looking in. Oh well. Perhaps not that important. Maybe it is the sense that I have not truly made a friend here.

Enough self-pity. Onward and Upward.


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11 years ago

i am all were there to give a hug to any one how need one so there you go hud from me hope this help you on the jonury fo your life

11 years ago

TOLEAD I know exactly how you feel. I am 52, and live in a small town in New Zealand with a population of about 2,000 - 3,000 so there ain't much doin' for me here. I think this is a great site and would love to make friends with younger guys on here. I have always mixed with younger guys through my work and have a young acting mind. Us older dudes may not have great lookin' bodies, but we have many more years experiance on our side.

11 years ago

I do understand ive been on here like 2 years or more and even though lots of people have asked to be my friend. i feel like i havent really ever talked to many here. Probably my fault as much as anyones but i feel that way . im pretty unconfortable with talking about thinking im bi or gay still. that probably has alot to do with it to . i use to cam alot but some people taped me and sometime i feel like im waiting to see me in one of these vids. so i probably dont trust many people either. but this is a good spot . no one has every been mean .

11 years ago

"per adua ad astra" the motto of the Royal Airforce and other Commonwealth air forces. It means "by struggle to the star" in other words as you have said onward and upward

11 years ago

You have at least one more true and loyal friend. I'm 24 and no teenager anymore but sometimes i FEEL old or at least my body does. I have now, another older friend that I can gain wisdom from. So
GLAD to be your friend - Andy

11 years ago

At Least you are not a Gay Twink Porn Star getting people saying you are a grandp

11 years ago

Thanks Scotty96. I agree with you onlyinvegas. And seadog, I have had in the past on other networks long standing great friendships with people. We shared a great deal with each other. And admittedly, they were only cyber relationship, but they had a sense of reality.

11 years ago

I dont think age makes any difference, if a person is a nice person then theres no reason not to be friends :)

11 years ago

Like you I happen to be an older guy and like younger guys. Merely being friends with them that are willy to do so is a great benefit to me. I enjoy hearing what you guys have to say and how you feel. We ( the older guys) have been threw it and have good advice as to how to help you threw it as well. As i have stated in previous posts I have had 2 guy much younger than me by 20 years. I often see in a lot of bio's looking for a mature guy but have an age range no older the 25... wisdom come with experience. yeah were older but we aint dead.

11 years ago

Important to say, esp. to those of us who share at least the age-appropriate concerns. But isn't the sense of "friends" being so distant or not happening the nature of the internet? Looking and Watching seems so important to us, but it offers the illusion of connection, the possibilities and opportunities for which used to be real in the world before internet.

11 years ago

Since comments didn't work on my last post. I just thought I would check this one.