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Boy Scouts of America

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 713 views 17 comments
President Obama has come out against the BSA and their anti-gay stance. Apparently Mitt Romney said the same thing several years ago. Do you think that the Scouts have the right to refuse gay boys and gay scout leaders? Would you join a group that didn't want you in it?


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11 years ago

Thanks 'davz85'. I agree, all will comein time. I will still require support and work but the DRAM is just out-of-hand. There isn't a magic switch to turn off or on to make things happen. All have their rights to speak their mind - it's called freedom and a Constitutional Right. arick1993 is good to go for standingup for what he feels. Just don't trample on other while standing up. There is and isn't a right time to stand up. Life ismuch like war. Stand up at the WRONG time will get you shot.Give it some thought and be nice to others - they have their rights too. Andy

11 years ago

get over yourselves people, there was a time not so long ago when women did not have the right to vote and blacks were segregated, I call it social evolution, everything in it's own time.

11 years ago

I had had enough of the scout stuff when I was a cub scout. Good lord -- merit badges? I just left because I knew folk like them could not stand folk like me -- I was around 10 or 11. It all seemed so wrong to me, and still does.

11 years ago

So, I guess Mike that you don't support my point of view because I choose to stand up for myself against people who regard me like am not as good as they are because they're straight and I am gay? Be passive then. Go along with the mainstream. God forbid any of us radical queers speak up. How pathetic.

11 years ago

I come from a backgroung and career of men that believe in what they say and what they do. WE stand our ground and NEVER back off. For those that know me, they will understand. They Boy Scouts is a GREAT organization and well respected. I DON'T agree with their leaderships view regarding gays nor the way they have been bashed. Fuck Obama - his support and beliefs are like a flag in the breeze, he goes which ever the wind blows (at the time). I live in North Carolina. We recently had a constitutional vote regarding hay marriage. Obama was all through NC 2 days before that vote. HE KNEW it was a HOT TOPIC during his visit. He's only after your vote. He CAME OUT for gays just "ONE" day AFTER the vote. Did he change his mind in 2 days - HELL NO, he could have back gays here but was afraid he would loose votes. As far as BSA, the organization is REALLY made up of the boys. They take from it what they want. I had my first gay sex as a scout along with MANY others. Nothing wrong with the boys or BSA just poor leadership.
By the way, I will also add for Mike1946 - good work. I stand by you 100%. "Semper Fidelus" Andy

11 years ago

i eas a scout leader once and i did not do it so i could be near young boys i did cos i like to see lad getting off ther bums and doing good and i was also the cook so could teach the how to eat good and cheap so it was a case of show then how to live well there so many that can not cook then think that to text to but the kettle on and other things

11 years ago

Yeah even tho I was kinda forced into sex by an older scout I don't think I'm a victim. It just happened and I actually liked doin it.

11 years ago

to you reading this. being a victim really sucks. don't be one. only you can make yourself a victim. it is a mentality. don't be a vicim. it is a choice and it will make your life miserable.

11 years ago

we have exchanged views. we differ. i'm ok with that . i will leave it there. thanks, mike. just keep in mind. the pres was against gay marriage as the like til it was expedient to change for votes and money.

11 years ago

Who is attacking mainstream America? I am voicing my vehement disapproval of bigots. In fact I have more straight friends that gay ones. You seem to lean toward Christians having more of a right than gay people like me to express their views. Why are you so sympathetic to Dan Cathy and yet seem to scold me for being equally vocal in my beliefs? I also don't see any logic to banning gay scout leaders to protect kids. Are you equating homosexuality with pedophilia? That's another prejudicial view maintained by the religious right. And I am not willing to let that stand unanswered. Gay men and women are as decent and caring as straight people. But the BSA has a built in assumption that we are not. I refuse to accept that. You may, and that is fine. But don't expect me and other progressive individuals to sit idly by and be maligned by anybody or any group. This is 2012 not 1950.

11 years ago

first arick. attacking the mainstream of america with demands and ultamatums won't work. it may hurt the cause. skipping past the fact that gays have made big strides towards acceptance over the last several decades makes me wonder. christianity does not accept homosexuality. many people take this seriously. you are intolerant and insensitive to this. mr. cathy, the head of chick-fila, only expressed his beliefs about marriage, according to his religon. his company does not discriminate against gays asto employment and service. the boy scouts are mostly funded and operated by christian groups. they are trying to keep the scouts safe. i'm all for that. i'm sure if a kid wants to join he/she will be accepted. the adults who work with the kids should be scrutinized as some may go after the kids. parents want some assurance their kid is going to be ok. more in another entry.

11 years ago

The Scouts fear that child molesters that likes boys are joining. Thats why they are anti-gay

11 years ago

Its weird cuz I had my first gay experience in scouts with an older boy but I guess we would've be thrown out if we were caught. Lotta really hot boys tho. Lol

11 years ago

What I want is to be regarded equally to straight people. Not just for myself but all people who are gay, lesbian and transgendered. We have not attained that status to the degree that groups like the Boy Scouts can't discriminate with impunity and business like Chik-Fil-A can declare our lives as invalid but eagerly willing to accept our money. And don't tell me they have the right to say whatever they want because they obviously can. But that doesn't mean we have to accept that lying down. Or make our own voices heard.

11 years ago

what do you want?

11 years ago

So, Mike you are content being categorized as a second class citizen? Just because a group of people is small in number does not mean they should not be entitled to the same freedom and rights of the majority.

11 years ago

we do need a certain number of heterosexuals to reproduce the population. gays are a minority that , over the last 50 years, have more freedom and acceptance than ever. i reject the gay marketing mentality that i seem to be wittnessing. it is actually much better for a person overall to be straight. lets keep things in perspective.