's Blogs

Deeply Troubled

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 725 views 10 comments
I just read remarks on a blog accusing multiple people I consider friends of misrepresentations. What troubles me, is why someone feels the need to attack others. I don't understand how it is any of their business what others do on this site. Accusations against me, I could care less what he says. I have made many wonderful friends here. What he says about me isn't based on any knowledge he has of my relationships here, or friendships. So his words have no meaning when applied to me.

That being said, the desire to disrupt a small and caring community with accusations, is only to feed his own ego. I thought that ignoring him was the answer. Frankly, his desire to attack others troubles me. I would happily leave GBT and find other ways to stay in touch with my friends, if I thought he would leave. But I doubt that would happen.

I care deeply about this community that I feel a part of..And I feel sad at what is happening to it.



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11 years ago

Good morning to everyone. I hope that I have not said anything to anyone that has offened you. If I have please accept my deepest apologies. If I ever do offend anyone please you have my premission to call me out on it! I realize that we all can get pissy but as men we dont get to use the PMS excuse and should treat each other with proper dignity respect. We have enought issues with the Str8s in the world giving us crap we shouldnt help.

11 years ago

Yes, well I saw the posts too and glad they are gone as they were directed in some cases at people I consider friends. Unfortunately they were not the first ones to appear here and probably wont be the last which is very sad to me. The things that were being said were nothing more than words of hate, not any truth in what was being said at all and I had to fight the urge to weigh in on the debate but that brings them the attention they want so I just ignored them but it was difficult. I don’t understand the psychology of the individual who wants to just create an account and go out an attack people, you don’t want to be friends with people fine, don’t be but this individual seemed to get a great deal of joy in just attacking and name calling, just terrible. I suppose they are people in need of attention, they do not have the skills to get attention through developing friendships so they get their attention by provoking it through cruelty, in a way you have to feel sorry for them.

11 years ago

GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a LOT, NICK. That could sure save some future issues. Want help the Blog posts but not anything that can be done on that. As long as we stay firmly together will we be a lot safer. Thanks NICK and ALL at GBT - Andy

11 years ago

Thanks Nick...Part of the reason for posting was to direct his attention at me here, rather than on some other members who I care about deeply...I don't care what he said about me, but I did care about others...was hoping he would spend his time belittling me. Thanks for all you do to keep this place up and running. And to watch out and build functionality that can help...Cheers to you...Thomas

11 years ago

Hi Thomas, We haven't communicated before, but we do have friends in common here on GBT. I know who you are talking about, I read some of the disgusting things which he wrote on sam's blog for tobyand one or two other blogs. Glad to say, that admin have now dealt with him and booted him off the site. Good riddance to vile trash. I can never understand the motivation of people like him in their desire to hurt others for some perverse pleasure which it may give them. Thankfully the vast majority of people, either here or outside, are not like him. Don't ever let someone like that force you into leaving. Take care Thomas, you are among friends.

11 years ago

YES YES YES, sorry I had to do that some of my friends know what I mean. Well Thomas I think he is gone for now so we can live in peacefully.

11 years ago

You don't know me. You know nothing about me. I have preyed on no one. Your assumptions are based on your issues. Deal with them in the real world. And, Please don't ever communicate to me again. You are lost in your own self esteem issues..deal with them...but don't involve me.

11 years ago

and if you please one other thing dave1965 page a 50 year old acting like 17. so when a 17 or 18 comes here and sees his page or pm or blogs he is learning that all gay men act as he does. so thats what you guys teach the young gay men who come here that need help. that is what i think is wrong.the world has changed for young gay men....and you guys with your blogs that act like old queens and prey on young men is just wrong

11 years ago

please let me reply...this site was named gayboystube..not gayoldstube.for young gay men to get together and share without the worry of old men hitting on them or preying on them. it has now become 50 60 70 year old blog pics of 18 year old on their page. trying to seduce them. as i was 17 when i found this site it helped me . and 99 percent were young really not over 25 .now look at what it has become. tolead 70 years old looking for ? with your pics on your page and what you say. you are right you should find other ways to stay in touch with people your own age.