's Blogs

New Job

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 606 views 12 comments
In 2 weeks time when high school ends I start my new job working nite time at a supermarket which is goin to be pretty cool - especially the money! hahaha!

Also in 2 weeks, short of a miracle, President Obama will be looking for a new job - as he joins the ranks of the unemployed he worked so hard to create in the first place - and I think we should help him find a new one that is suitable

Here are my suggestions -

1. Goat herder (like his granddad)
2. Kenyan Ambassador to the US (that way he could still live in Washington)
3. Health insurance salesman
4. Gay marriage celebrant (haha!)


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11 years ago

HEY CUTKIWI you could make more as a rent boy....just ask davey1965 before he got to old to rent that ass

11 years ago

hey cut,,,congratsulations on completing high school. great that you have a job. please consider getting into a saving habit. 10 percent or something. i applaud you. very impressed that you are conservative. you will do great goin forward...big hug..mike

11 years ago

Watch if you want a better understanding of the U.S deficit/ debt ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ugDU2qNcyg

11 years ago

I very much hesitate in getting into a serious political discussion but I do want to remind everyone out there who is in another country and that is America Bashing. Who does everyone run to when there is a major disaster? Who does everyone run to when there is an invasion of their country? When they need help. I remind you that IF America pulled back and stopped helping the rest of the world we would not have the economic problems because we would not be sending billions out to help Hati and others. But that is not the USA. We help where we need to. It is easy for you to sit back and talk bad about us, you have not had starving woman and children in Iraq come to you and kiss your boots for the K-rations your unit just gave them. Its easy to be an armchair quarterback till you actually stand in the fight and see what you are actually fighting for. Women who have had their vaginas sewn shut so they remain chaste for futurre husbands or girls who had their eyes put out because they were caught reading. Boys 12 years old carrying guns and dressed as soldiers hoping we would shoot them. There is true evil in this world and usually the people doing the USA bashing are the ones who never lift a damn finger against it. I GUARANTEE IF WE CLOSE OUR BORDERS AND IGNORE THE REST OF THE WORLD YOU WILL COME KNOCKING IN LESS THAN 6 MONTHS

11 years ago

Okay sure, blame all your troubles on a leader who is running a dysfunctional political system which clearly is one of the most inefficient in the World. Face the facts, America is in economic decline no matter who leads it. Obama or Romney. I think its time America realizes you got it wrong and the leaders and the people should face the consequences. Its how you get out of it which matters. O and Please increase your Spending on your military because it has been seriously effective in killing innocent people and war really is the right way of the future and it is especially productive in a 21st century world. Do you not understand that pulling resources from sectors in your economy which makes peoples lives easier and better and move it to the military makes complete economic sense, because it just does, and a war with Iran and or Syria would of helped you guys out big time, because I for one believe Romney wouldn’t of thought twice about it. Ya be in 4 wars, you guys will do great. Romney is an asshole, simple. Its so chilled though, the world will be over in about 2 months anyways :P ...

11 years ago

Clintons biggest mistake was his mistress was ulgy!!!! At least JFK had Marylin!

11 years ago

Ha the O has already destroyed America, And Bush did not start it it was Clinton , Schummer Dode Reid Frank when those idiot decided to let every one and any one to take out loans to buy a home BUT did not have the means to pay for it, You need to take another course in economics. What the O has done is kiss ass and has shown that we will not stand by our allies nor back them up let alone the citizens of the United States.

11 years ago

The UK government is slowly winning with the recession due to very severe cuts to all services..hundreds of billions have been cut..but the country will get 'back on it's feet' it may take a couple of years more but we will once again be GREAT BRITAIN.. i am sure the US economy will follow with President Obama in charge!

11 years ago

Obama will win the election, unfortunately there is no good choice this time around. Both sides have totally lost touch with the people of this country.

11 years ago

Gd luck with the job :) ............................... I am studying economics at university at the moment so i have a relatively good understanding of the world economy and I know President Obama is doing a good job in the economy. Just take a look across the Atlantic to Europe and you will see the difference. Europe is in a double dip recession, great Britain has been in decline in the last 3 quarters and many of those economies are not back to their pre recession peaks. Now look at america, growing modestly but growing none the less, people are going back to work (which i might add, they loss their jobs mainly due to fuC* tard bush) and they are borrowing at simular levels to Europe, and europe is going through austerity... why because america is growing, tax is being collected and relative GDP to government borrowing is decreasing as growth occurs. America borrowed 1 trillion dollars in their budget and one divided by 16.5 trillion is not as much as you might think... Romney will destroy america, or at least lose any respect america has left with the world. Which is not much. But i dont want to get into foreign policy. You my friend are ill informed

11 years ago

In your dreams.