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Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 361 views 7 comments
Do you own yr own house or rent? what do you think is best with the probs the last few years?

How long have yu lived in your current house? i have lived in my house my entire life hahaha!


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11 years ago

I rent. But that has more to do with the kind of space we wanted. We wanted a large loft. They are not available in this area to buy. So we have 6,000 sq. ft. in an old warehouse. Which is what we wanted. And we have cheap rent. So it really depends on what you want your living space to be. We owned a building prior to this. Studio down and living up. It was OK, until the drug house across the street caused problems.

11 years ago

I have decided to buy a house rather than rent here in oregon, I can get more for the same payment and Its mine. I will be here for at least 4 years possibly more while I go to school. I can afford a 15 year mortgage so I will accrue equity faster and if I sell in four or 5 years I will hopefully make money. Being a college town rent is awful and the landlords are assholes

11 years ago

Hi Damien. I have a mortgage, and it is hard going. You also have rates and house insurance to deal with, maintenance etc. You really have to do your home work regards rent/own. I say talk to a bank if you use one. Owning is great if you want the asett, but it can be a noose around your neck. Also, you have to watch that you buy at the right tiime and not pay too much. If you rent, and have to move because of work, or don't like the area or anything like that, it's much easier if you are renting. Hope that helps (kind of) and good luck.

11 years ago

It gets harder and harder to own a house so I better keep playing Lotto.
It is a shame tho, how we give our landlords 1000s of dollars each year to rent
when we could be paying that into a morgage.

11 years ago

yeah i reckon it would be grat to own a house.

11 years ago

At the moment neither. live with my parents but the own their home, the times I have been out I rented. If practical I would think it would be better to own, then its yours and your monthly payments at least get you something.

11 years ago

Damn - Damien this is an IRS question. Might not get true answers on this one. I'll say I exist and leave it to you to find out LOL -Andy