onlyinvegas's Blogs

just a dam good day today

onlyinvegas Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 449 views 9 comments
i would have to say


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11 years ago

I second that Professorbuttpoker!

11 years ago

I dont claim to have very much political experience although I have tried extra hard to read, study and understand it as much as possible with this being the 1st presidential election I have been able to take part in. I cant say I am thrilled at the result anymore than I would have been thrilled if Romney had been chosen I feel the country was and is lacking a dynamic leader in either party which is very unfortunate. I was honestly torn on where to cast my vote and did try very hard to vote for who was the best of the two. It was difficult to vote for what I thought was best for the country and not just vote for the obvious one issue gay policy that was pretty clear from both perspectives. Now the election is over its time to put all that aside regardless of where your vote was cast and support and respect the leader that was elected by the majority and hope the country will unite to bring economic stability back to this great nation. I have 2 years of school left and am honestly concerned about my and every other students future with the lack of career opportunities today. As for the people in other countries that put the USA down for our role in world affairs I ask them, where would their country be if the USA allowed terroism to continue, they are nuts if they beleive it wouldent spread to them next. I hate war and the loss of lives I cant think anyone would like it.

11 years ago

Lets hope Donald Trump shuts up!

11 years ago

It is a very good day. We certainly dodged a bullet this time. The more important thing is that lunatic fringe religious candidates and their pet ballot issues lost all over the country. The repudiation of them and their ideology, legalization of marriage equality in more states, legalization of simple marijuana possession in Washington State and Colorado, protection of a woman's right to make her own decisions about her body, expanding health care to more people, labor and environmental protections preserved, Wall Street reigned in, arrogant fat cats chastened and the list goes on and on. All this fills me with hope for the future. America may be a slow, lumbering giant that trips now and then but we always move in the right direction in the end. I take great satisfaction in the fact that the multi-billionaire Koch brothers, the Professors Moriarty of American politics to our European friends who don't know who they are, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars of their own money trying to influence federal, state and local elections all over the county and their efforts failed. Wall Street bankers are sweating like the pigs that they are with the election of Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts to the Senate. Karl Rove, the chief strategist, fund raiser and all around gas bag for the Republican Party (who always reminds me of Jabba the Hut) has been deflated. Yes, it is a very good day indeed.

11 years ago

He got re-elected. It doesnt matter if you voted for him or not, the people have spoken! Now its time for him to stop the retoric and start the plan. As Americans we can all agree that we live in the most amazing country in the history of the world, just to have been a part of the process last night was an honor. Now Mr. President I ask you please ( of course I really don't think he's a member here but who knows) now put away the campain drums and get down to business we need to get American restored to her Greatness!

11 years ago

Pretty fucking amazing...guess I am a little excited...hehe

11 years ago

Just watched an inspiring acceptance speech by Barack Obama...there is widespread reief in Europe that he has been re-elected....hope you guys in the US can unite behind him to make sure the US helps the western world through the very difficult times which lie ahead.

11 years ago

I agree