's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 454 views 8 comments
Do u reckon some people r just dumb and no matter what u try and tell them, no mater what u warn them bout - they will do it anyway?

It has been known for bout 200 years that u avoid - like the fucking plague - sailing in the southern Pacific ocean (basically anywhere south of the equator) between october and april cause its the 'huricane season'.

So why did these fucking idiots atempt to do it? http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10846382

They had more chanc of sucessfuly swiming across niagra falls and lviing then they did of sailing in that area and not getting caught in a hurricane - but they did it anyway. Just dumb.

What r other examples of dumb behaviuor where peeps just 'do it anyway'?


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11 years ago

Whats the Rush, I used to have Road Rage but then i woke up and thought
Why get angry with others,I can wait,I wont stress out and ill live much longer.
What the hell were those lift doors made out of...Cardboard? . ... Made in Korea

11 years ago

=== Angry Wheelchair Man, the rashly rushing rammer who epitomizes the downfall of the human race. ===


11 years ago

Have you lost something up there Jake.
The Profeessor provides a service to find it.

11 years ago

Yes Damien, such "behavior" can be considered "dumb", pointless, and with a great dose of "death wish", but Damien, that kind of behavior, or personality, it's inherent to Human Kind,
we all have it engraved in our genetic code, of course, the spectrum goes from mere curiosity or sense of "adventure",e.g. A kid riding his/her's bike beyond pre-established boundaries, to someone like Ferdinand Magellan,James Cook,Hernando de Soto, Americo Vespuccio, and so on.
Remember that the vast majority of the people thought that Columbus was "dumb as a doorknob", crazy, and "suicidal", they were sure he would "fall down" at the end of the "flat earth"...
On the other, more graphic, side; Can you imagine how ridiculous "dumb" did Ghandi looked, and sounded?, I mean you have to be real "dumb" to confront the British Empire wearing just a loincloth, and preaching his "Non violent resistant movement"...or maybe not..



11 years ago


11 years ago

I have always been a big fan of the DARWIN AWARDS it is an award given to people who end up killing themselves is so stupid a way that we are all glad that they did it and thus removed themselves from the gene pool: Here is an example of an award winner you can go the the website they actually have the security video on this one. DARWIN AWARD WINNER OF THE CENTURY! Angry Wheelchair Man, the rashly rushing rammer who epitomizes the downfall of the human race.

(25 August 2010, Daejon, South Korea) An angry handicapped man, annoyed that an elevator departed without him, thinks it over before ramming his wheelchair into the doors (bam!) once, twice, three times in all. Success and failure combined as he gained access to the elevator, and plunged down the rabbit hole to his death. This 40-year-old man earns immortality as an irritated Darwin Award winner.

11 years ago

ironing my pants while i'm wearing them...