's Blogs

Skin Tags

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 493 views 7 comments
So, I've been seeing this guy for the past two years and we'll hook up pretty regularly and have sex. When we started I noticed he had what looked like warts around his anus, so I limited the things we do, so that I didn't catch anything. I never said anything about it because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. When I asked him recently, he said that he went to a doctor when they first appeared and the doctor told him they were just skin tags. He said that he gets tested regularly at the local GLBT center and is perfectly healthy.

I'm not sure if I believe him or not. I'd like to be able to have oral sex with him and maybe forget about the condom, but I'm not looking to catch anything either. Does the skin tag explanation sound reasonable or like bullshit to you? All feedback is welcome.


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11 years ago

Thanks Doc - I guess I'll have to get in close for a look

11 years ago

OK let me clear this up, A skin tag is a tiny, benign, outpouching of skin that is typically connected to the underlying skin by a thin stalk. Skin tags look like tiny bits of "hanging" skin and typically occur in sites where clothing rubs against the skin or where there is skin-to-skin friction, such as the underarms, neck, upper chest, and groin. I have seen patients with skin tags on their eyelids as well as their anus. They are heredity and easily removed but can be somewhat painful. IF INDEED THESE ARE SKIN TAGS YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS, HOWEVER IF THEY ARE GENITAL WARTS YOU HAVE A LOT TO WORRY ABOUT AS THEY ARE EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS.

11 years ago

Unless I was sure I would not trust it go to see someone together if you feel you want to take things a step further and remember you are only as safe as you make yourself

11 years ago

Hi All -

To respond to a couple of questions/comments - my "gay paramour" is 23, so he's not close to my age, but he has been pretty sexually active. A skin tag is a benign growth (lump of skin) that can appear anywhere on your body. sometimes for reasons related to hormones (aging, pregnancy) and sometimes for no particular reason.


11 years ago

what is a skin tag?

11 years ago

Personally i think it sounds reasonable, skin tags occur in places where there is friction, so it sounds valid to me. I would still be cautious though :)

11 years ago

Sounds like bullshit to me. However, I notice in your profile that you're 47 which leads me to figure that your gay paramour is also similar in age. When one gets older, such growths tend to start occurring on the skin all on their own with any disease being a factor. It's just aging. Skin tags are fleshy and floppy to the touch. Warts are solid and firm. Either way, any dermatologist can zap them off in seconds no trouble at all. Aside from a possible health issue, they are in of themselves aesthetically unappealing and I myself would be hesitant to stick my dick there. Have him get them removed and then insist on going with him to get tested (you get tested yourself so he has nothing to bitch about) and then show each other your test results. This is what I do when I meet a new guy to play with. If everything comes back clear then lose the condom and enjoy gay sex at it's best, the way it's meant to be enjoyed - bareback. If he won't do it, then end the relationship and move on - there might be something he's trying to hide - but get tested yourself anyway. There are lots of other dicks out there to be enjoyed besides his.