fungus320's Blogs

update on bushfires in Australia

fungus320 Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 472 views 10 comments
Now I have strted a new blog for those interested. I did have a blog but but there were a couple of comments effective in the extreme.

The emergency in Tasmania is continuing with now parts of Victoria and New South Wales in severe strife. No word yet on loss of life you concentrate on the living. Have a look at my previous blog please. I understand the first town in Tasmania detroyed had winds so high the burning branches were blown into houses and they burnt from the inside. My town here in South Australia is now safe.

PRAY FOR US. Love David


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11 years ago

Thank you all about your concern. It Really helps. There are still over 100 bushfires out of control. Not here we have been succesful. In notice is in SOC.CAl you have Red Flag days. Following the dreadful fires in Victoria about 3 years ago our system has been changed. It was either stay and protect your property of leave. Now we have Mild Bushfire Alerts, Serious alerts and Catestrophic alert is not declared on the current conditions but the weather that is coming. It basicaly means get the hell out of there.
It is now something I can talk about but as a trained volunteer we were in the front line. Ambulances behhind us thena a line of all able bodied men then a line of schoolboys 15 years and over. I was about 50 metres from 2 other men when they saw a young lad 5yo run towards them. They picked him up and almost threw him to me and tried to get to the house.
Now when a gum tree burns (I guess you call them ecucalypts) it can burn like a a normal tree but if the temperature of the fire is high enough the ecalyptus oil in the leaves evevpouates and explodes. I was far enough away and the young lad tried to loo around and I shielded his eyes and said dont look. I took him to the ambulance (singed hair and superficial burns) I turned back to go to the fire and he said please dont go stay with me.

I said to th Ambulance officer what should I do and he said one less man wont make any difference . I get in and we went to th hospital. I have seen him every day and he kow that his parents are gone.

Tears in my eyes.

11 years ago

i seen a report about this in the a few days ago or even more days ago,wow it is still going,i know what its like i live in SO.CAL. by the san gabriel mtns. in any where around here n up and down the cost can be a tender box,we have red flag days,so hopefully they can get a handel on this fire good luck.

11 years ago

Have a cousin working in the 'outback' at a mining operation. My heart is with all during this disaster.

11 years ago

Sorry I meant offensive not effective.

I will keep ypou upfated. Love David

11 years ago

my brother and his 2 daughters work as volunteer fire fighters in WA so always thinking of you guys. Saw on our news last night how much of Aussie has fires - not good!!!!

11 years ago

Glad us Kiwis are sending you some help...It looks really bad buddy so i pray for all
our neighbours across the ditch

11 years ago

I am also in Australia and although I dont live anywhere near any of the bushfires I just want to add that it is Definitely a very serious situation at the moment. In some areas the fire is racing faster than what the volunteer fire trucks are driving up beside it 60km/h (36 MPH)

11 years ago

Stay safe and our thoughts are with you

11 years ago

i/we pray for you and your community...hugs..mike

11 years ago

Mate such a nasty story been thinking about it all morning (here in UK). Its on our news big time but really interested to read your blog/s on it all, stay safe.