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Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 628 views 19 comments
luck,,,what is it..are you lucky?..please share your thoughts,feelings,,and experiences concerning luck...thanks


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11 years ago

well I was lucky in finding this site, because of the friends I have made, or was it fate

11 years ago

I view luck as a subjective thing. I never used too until I was older but now I see luck as a thing we each perceive in our own minds.

I say that because I used to consider myself pretty lucky because of small, silly things like getting away with not doing homework because the teacher forgot that day or not dealing with something many people deal with at school (bullying). I considered myself VERY lucky but I really only got that impression because I looked at my friends and their situations and would think to myself that they're unlucky for what ever reason and because I don't have their problems I considered myself lucky. But as I grew up I realised that my "luck" was either random chance with things like silly bets with friends or were the result of events that I would consider lucky but could be considered unlucky for someone else. For example I would say I was lucky if a teacher forgot about homework on the day I didn't do my homework but someone else in my class could have rushed to finish their homework on the bus only to find out the teacher didn't ask for it, they might consider that unlucky - I guess I'm trying to say causality is really at the heart of it all and we perceive luck when the result is in our favour.
And my "luck" with things like being successful at interviews and not having enemies/ bullies to worry about was because I was fortunate enough to have a mother that forced me to socialize with adults at a young age to teach me manners but also to teach me to adapt to different types of people.

11 years ago

I was lucky last weekend. I won 1000 THB (30 USD abt.) in a lottery. And I was very happy. I drink many drinks in a bar and I was happy. Next day I was not happy. No single baht left from my lottery. Not very happy. In my head marching battalion having exercise. Soldiers up there happy, me no happy. Next time me want to be happy I go to Buddha. Then mind happy and wallet happy. And sun is shining! Happy!

11 years ago

lucky to be alive, lucky to have the family and friends I have, lucky to have my boyfriend Charlie :)

11 years ago

Luck is happiness. No matter how it's caused.

11 years ago

i believe the harder you work or try the luckier you get. i do believe in karma...my karma ran over your dogma..i'm not sure,,,

11 years ago

beans and bell curve..i'm hungry..mmm

11 years ago

luck and fate are confused and interchangeable.. man creates most of his "luck". fate is....well, the way i'ts supposed to be. we can be lucky with our fate? perhaps.. some say... if it weren't for bad luck, i wouldn't have any luck at all. and oh...btw... in this new USA..good luck must be taxed!! lols

11 years ago

normally distributed, bell-shaped curves are kinda sexy. :)

11 years ago

Thanks vlad. Guess which class I'm in this semester.

11 years ago

Not sure if I beleive in luck and yet I have said many times I am lucky. I guess luck would be when more often than not random chance operates in your favor.

11 years ago

luck is standing on the sidewalk and watching the bus go past flattened by a comet, which you had just asked to stop and the bus driver gave you two fingers.

11 years ago

Luck is described as two kinds; GOOD and BAD.

11 years ago

say what?

11 years ago

Luck is that area beyond the third standard deviation from the right side of the mean in a normally distributed, bell-shaped curve.

11 years ago

yea nick..i tend to agree with that...if some space junk falls to earth and flattens your house..that can be considered bad luck..it is a wild subject that has many angles...