's Blogs

be all you can be

Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 407 views 13 comments
this blog is to help..jolt..awaken..gently scream in your ear..alert..mainly younger guys who may still be in school,,been out a while..maybe even guys 40ish..it is always now that you should get a fire in your belly concerning your furure..its two parts...earning money,,and saving money..computers and the medical field are two growth industries..this is not to say stop having fun..like the words of pink floyd.."ten years have got behind you..no one told you when to run..you missed the starting gun"..find a better paying carreer...more inside soon..what do you think of this???..please join in with your two cents...thanks..ol mr. mike


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11 years ago

A person should do what he or she loves and enjoys doing as a vocation. Only when your heart is in your work can you be successful at it. Having enough money to live comfortably can figure into one's career choice, but you can have all the money and things you will ever need, and if you hate what you are doing, you'll be miserable--FAIL! Success does not come from money--it comes from our relationships with God and with others.The poem below says it well... work toward that and the rest will fall into place.

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction. ~Bessie Stanley

11 years ago

what scott said..

11 years ago

moves to Indiana to be sexually conquered

11 years ago

yes HT...it is a balance...but you are in charge of you...get the best paying job that you really like...get in the habit of saving each payday..it adds up..and eat your peas//

11 years ago

first time i've said this as a complement...what a dick...joelll

11 years ago

My goal is to sexually conquer the state of Indiana.

11 years ago

Grandma Fairman told me to always 'live within my means'. She was a child when there was a depression and told us about how her mom would make due and she said they always had plenty. It seems like 'earning money and saving money' probably also requires being happy and 'living within my means'. I have three very close friends that are a little bit older than I am and who are always worried about buying something that they can not afford and they are already in big debt with credit cards. They have good paying career type jobs but sometimes they seem unhappy to me. I think it is because they worry about their big debt and because they still want more things that they deep inside know that they can not afford.

11 years ago

Thanks Mike. All we can do is share to others what we have learned. It isn't about telling, it is about sharing, we learn from our experience and putting it out so others can learn from it, in just the hope that each person makes one less "mistake" or see a path more clearly. I think it is a responsibility for us "elders" to share our stories, so others can learn. And as Scott, said, it is up to the other people to decide whether it is important to them. And as you said Mike, if in doing this, one person finds their path easier and clearer, then we have done what we should.

11 years ago

true scott..i wish i had taken the advice i am giving when i was growing up..if i say it and one or two people take the advice...i'm doin good..and very happy..my dad was a good father but did not give his kids much advice...we just do what we are doing..without much thought..then look back and say hmmm...

11 years ago

we learn too late that in order to "be there" for others we must first do things for ourselves. i got into horticulture for my love of things like that. there is not a dime in it!!! lols yet, here i am...

11 years ago

Yeah...Mike whats up mate ...sometimes I feel that you are fighting for the satisfaction of life...there is only one heart...a breath heart which was created...I was'nt your creator...I will never be your creator...I have an idea ...look into your heart...study your Feelings...their is an answer...LOVE

11 years ago

well said Mr Mike, but you find when you have been through it or going through it, that growing up is down to the individual, you can try and give good advice, they might take in some of it, but they will always go down their own path, and you are left scratching your head, why didnt they listen, but its human nature I think.