maxumillion21's Blogs

Telling a Secret!

maxumillion21 Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 488 views 4 comments
How do you tell your straight college roommate that you are gay and horny?


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11 years ago

Coming out to your room mate could be good but be prepaired for the unpleasant but don't mention horny at the same time. NOT political correct of very wise. You might not like the out come - Andy

11 years ago

There's really only one way to tell someone that you're gay and that's telling them, "Hey, I'm gay." Luka has a highly valid point: it's one thing to come out to your roommate, it's another to tell him you're horny. Why is the latter so necessary? Do you have feelings for your roommate? I wouldn't recommend telling them this if you're sure they're straight. The last thing you need is an odd, uncomfortable situation. Of course, it is close to the end of the semester and you'll probably be assigned a new roommate in the fall. Good luck!

11 years ago

Dude it is 1 thing to say I am gay.
but are u horny for him? if he is straight u will probably like be makn him u know not want to be in ur room or something.
I do not know but it just seems like
well do u think he's gay or is he already out? then that is a dif story.
I am still virgin and only just came out a week ago so I am like not an expert or experienced or anything
Oh just forget everything I just said if u want.
I do recommend getting out if ur not tho. it is getting to be such a relief to me now after a week. still waiting on 2 of my best friend to come back to me as friends u kno.

11 years ago

Get in a Dozen beers for a nite in. By the time your on your 5th youll be relaxed enough to tell him . I know its acohol but but it really frees up yr inhabitions and who knows, he might feel free to say what he really feels about you.