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Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 855 views 19 comments
I'm so confused, because i don't know whether i'm gay or not .if i'm gay than why is that so? And than why do i like pussy?


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10 years ago

Thanks a lot friends 4 ur lovely n very supportive comments.love u all.

10 years ago

ufff that question to me I long ago.
but already knew the answer background

10 years ago

know yourself...don't look outside of you to find out who you are..god is all the sum total of all...you are a sliver of god...a spirit..connected to god..sent on your way to learn and find your way to enlightenment..you have been into the material world many times..your body is your access into the material world..so you can interact and grow...thank god for all good that you receive and see...blame you for the bad you receive..karma..love your Life...its a gift from god...be humble ...happy..put out what you seek..give what you want..it will come..

10 years ago

I'll try again!
The Kinsey Scale runs from 0, (completely straight) to 6 (completely gay) wwith 3 being fully bisexual. Unless you are absolutely a 0 or a 6, you may find that your position on the scale may vary over time. You may go up or down the scale and maybe back again.This is perfectly normal. Just accept and enjoy. If you want to find out what your Kinsey number is, try this simple online test. http://vistriai.com/kinseyscaletest/

10 years ago

What happened to the rest of my post?

10 years ago

The Kinsey Scale runs from 0 (Completely straight) to 6 (competely gay) with 3 being fully bisexual, (equally attracted to male

10 years ago

you are likely what is known as bi-curious...explore both sides enjoy all you can..sooner or later you will know where you stand, ...you are what you are..nobody chooses their feelings for gender.... ,,what's the hurry to pidgeon hole yourself? play the field girls and bois..just play safe and use the "poppa stoppas!"

10 years ago

it doesnt matter what you are. enjoy it all if thats what you want. maybe one day you will make a choice. good luck

10 years ago

Thanks a lot 4 ur advices bro's.

10 years ago

I personally don't like labels. Growing up I was always attracted to boys but I used to have a thing for one girl inparticular through out my time in high school, she was very tom boyish, slender but dressed like a boy, wore her hair like a boy, no boobs and had a boys personality i.e humour, interests ect ect.

After reading about The Kinsey Scale of Sexuality, I like to think of sexuality more like that scale.
A scale ranging from 1-10, 1 being totally straight and 10 being totally gay. I'd say I'm about an 8.
I think your born with your sexuality, I don't think its something that can change or you can choose but I think everyone has their own place on that scale.

10 years ago

i think a cock does what it wants too politicians and religeous leaders think otherwise

10 years ago

don't worry, maybe that thing about liking pussy is just a phase you're going thru :P

10 years ago

Any port in a storm....

10 years ago

Dont worry.Your one of millions on earth.Its just how were born.Some would say that you have the best of both worlds.Just enjoy your sex life while yr young and youll figure out more as you get older.

10 years ago

You've ever heard about Bi-sexuals? If not, contact your family doctor and get some advise from there. You're 19. Good luck...

10 years ago

girls are better

10 years ago

Why do you want to label yourself? There are plenty of guys who are attracted to both males and females. Many end up favoring one over the other, but some are just as happy to have sex with a guy as a girl.