Tyler46's Blogs

The Westboro Church......

Tyler46 Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 466 views 6 comments
I Hate Them They're Asshole And Nonetheless Of Hateful And Belligerent Idiots Who's Believes Are Stupid And Just Plain Cruel And Uncalled For They Go Around Bashing Gays And Gay Supporters Which Is Just Plain Wrong They Have No Right Too Do What They Do They Have No Right Too Judge People Based Purely Off That Persons Sexual Preference Its Wrong And Cruel And Too Be Quite Frank They Need Too Be Shot On Spot!! Any Thoughts Or Opinions On What I Just Said Or Of The Westboro Church Please Leave Your Thought And Opinions Below :) Thank You


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10 years ago

Try to see them as ignorant, stupid people who have been indocrinated with one particular ( and very ill-informed) view of scripture. If you want to put a counter-view forward and want people to take note of what you say, you need to avoid being as hateful as they are - saying that they 'should be shot' makes youlook just as judgemental as them and will make people regard you as extremist. To get people on your side, it's better to put forward rational calm arguements as to why Westborough's are wrong. Find the flaws in their arguements and exploit those. For example, how selective these people are in their so-called following of the Torah - things like;
They don't stone adultorers (because they are scared of the US law?)
They don't ban menstrating women or disabled people from attending their church.
They wear cotton-polyester fabrics.
All these things are contraray to the same scripture that they quote against homosexuality.
You could also point out that the prohibition against homosexual ACTs refers to appalling practice (prevelant at the time those scriptures were written) whereby soldiers og aconquering army raped captured soldiers to humiliate them by, literally, treating them as women.

10 years ago

incase they can tell who I am and where I live..rite on dudes....otherwise...fuck them bastards..they are as you have stated..try not to focus on nutjobs like them..this world has plenty to upset you...have some fun instead...mike..hugs..xx

10 years ago

DON'T HATE THEM....because that is what they do...understand them ..they are people with a warped philosophy that attacks gays....be aware of people like reverend Phelps and his clan..they are dinosaurs who say they are religious but expose hatred..thye are an obomnation to the church and re;ligion......we are all God's children if you believe ..they don't and their judgement day will come..feel sorry for them..because they are dispicable hateful people who just want their 15 minutes of fame...don't give it to them .....oxoxoxo