Imgay2's Blogs

Rousing Gay marriage equal rights speech by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd slam dunks Reverend's question on national TV

Imgay2 Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 412 views 2 comments
I've just witnessed my Prime Minister give the best answer ever to someone so religiously homophobic, it gave me goose bumps. And the way the studio audience applauded the PM's answer really made me proud to be Australian.
If you get to watch a replay of it ( Q and A, ) or on ,It deserves to go viral. Let us know what you think.


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10 years ago

I watched it on You Tube. What I noticed most was the civility with which both spoke to each other on an issue they were in fundamental disagreement about. Our Australian cousins could teach us Americans a lot about good manners. America established Democracy in the modern world, Australia seems to have perfected it.

10 years ago

I think Australians should vote for Tony Abbott on Saturday - a great man.