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3 Day Load

Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 726 views 23 comments
<p>I just lost my 3 day load after edging it on here awhile. How many days old is your load?</p>


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10 years ago

3 months?? that's way too long even for me!

10 years ago

Wow, 3 months is unheard of. I am working on another 3 day load and I think that's a long time.

10 years ago

I'm now on my 3rd month. It is driving me insane too!

10 years ago

Looks like a lot of you wait awhile before unloading.

10 years ago

just over a month was my longest. that was a good while ago...

10 years ago

I think the longest I have gone without release at least in recent history is a wekk or so. Just can't seem to last longer than that though the longer the wait the more intense it is. Sort of like the tootsie roll pop thing, lick, lick, lick crunch!

10 years ago

Well you're all high powered cum machines in my book! Since on my best days back in 500 BC, I never approached the olympian heights you demi-gods have achieved, I guess I'll just quietly slink away now with my tail firmly between my 3 legs and go somewhere and shrivel up and die. Goodbye world it's been a fun life, all 2,500 years of it!

10 years ago

Well I'll call the cops and they can look for it

10 years ago

doesnt get to that stage,lol

10 years ago

two hours LMAO

10 years ago

13 hours and counting...i can't remember the last time i had a 3 day load, ha! why deny yourself two weeks worth of orgasms if you could seriously have 2 a day that are just as intense? a second orgasm within a few hours is way better than a 2 week orgasm. you don't have to hold out to shoot further or to shoot any more. after about 24 hours, i think your balls have all they can hold...just sayin...

10 years ago

Age has nothing to do with it. It's a state of mind. Specifically mind over matter. It isn't carved in stone that every guy HAS to JO at least once every day. But that's the way we're "programmed". Also there's no need to tense up, start straining and rush the JO session to the climax. Relax slow down and savor and really get into the experience. To me the JO is a "religious" ritual. But hey that's my trip. Different "strokes" for different folks! Ah hahaha! If you are enough of a JO stud to be able to blow off 2-4 or more loads a day while gorging on GBT porn, then I say wow man you're way way out of my "little" league! You are a superstar and I bow to your superiority. Us mere "mortals" have to "cum" up with "tricks" to try to compensate for our limitations. "Dirty Harry" said it best: "A man has got to know his limitations"! In the sex dept. I am just "avg" in every sense. I may not like it, but a guy has got to play the cards he's been dealt. I just try to play my cards as wisely and efficiently as possible, that's all. If any of you superstars want to tell us amazing stories of your ability to drop one load after another every day, please go for it! I love to hear the blow by blow details! Be as explicit as you want. Nothing can shock me. It will just get me horny. And to me being perpetually horny is nirvana! Happy wanking everybody! lol ;)

10 years ago

I shot a second load today too while on here.

10 years ago

Wow. How old do you have to be to go more than two days?! I can't go longer than that. Huh-uh. No way. What's the point if waiting 24 to 48 hours is enough?! IIIII don't know...I don't think so.

10 years ago

yes @jonpitko I used to do it several times a day since I was able to first cum. I relate to what u mean like a machine. It was like I was doing it out of habit, boredom, etc. Now I feel it's done for the pure pleasure. Yes it takes discipline, but I do have a strong sense of self control to the point where I can also do it hands free. I felt as u did where it became hollow so I changed it too, I've only been doing it this way maybe the past 6 months.

10 years ago

This subject is fascinating to me. Acheron we are in our own small world/club, right? I have been practicing this "art" for years. It takes practice and discipline but after a while you perfect your own technique and can pretty well control the flow of things. Control is a very important facet in the whole process. I like the feeling that I have control over my "libido". Before when I more or less felt I had to JO at least once a day, it was like I was just a machine going thru the daily grind. I felt no sense of being in control. It was just an animal function. The satisfaction I got after my daily(or more) JO was very brief and hollow. I knew I had to make a change. So i came up with a plan and have stuck with it now for years. I like a challenge in my life. It gives a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Well, end of sermon for now. But Acheron in your case I am "preaching to the choir", right?! Ah hahaha! If you want to rap about this ad nauseum feel free to msg me anytime, ok? Catch all you happy wankers later... ;)

10 years ago

lol @Ripley07! That's part of the fun and worth it, I have to take a shower afterwards everytime. I find the first few days is the hardest to keep my hands off myself. By the time I reach a week it gets easier and I enjoy the extreme horniness it brings.

10 years ago

Wish I had the balls to hold off a couple of weeks like you do. I would probably be able to hose my face down if I waited.

10 years ago

2 days

10 years ago

Agreed @jonpitko1961, it is worth the wait. Some look at me like I'm nuts, but obviously they haven't tried it. Last month I reached a record of 35 days, but did it 4x that day with each one as intense and the volume was as big as the last. Don't think I really want to wait that long again, was a little too long.

10 years ago

Funny you should ask this right now, because less than 15 min. ago, after 5 days of on and off "edging" I just blew my load. So, in effect, I waited 5 days. You are dead on target here about the orgasm being more intense and the volume of fluid being larger. BTW, I consume my load. Always have. Very tasty. Can't see the cream going to waste. I too have waited 2 or sometimes more weeks before cumming. It's well worth the wait. During the wait, I still keep wanking regularly. I just stop the session before I climax. I keep this up for days or weeks. I never know exactly when I'll finally "fall off the cliff". It just happens spontaneously. That's what makes the end result so delightfully unpredictable and unexpected! Good things do cum to those who wait. Ain't the gay life bloody marvelous?! See y'all later... ;)