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Talentless hillbilly Britney Spears names Anti Gay Pastor as her favorite author!

Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 681 views 34 comments
<p>Ya know this talentless air head named Britney Spears? The chick who got famous for being slutty in music videos?The chick who kissed Madonna for attention?</p>
<p>Well she claims her favorite author was this redneck scumbag named Max Lucado who compares being gay to raping children or incest. Wow. Can't we just burn these people already? Do we really gotta put up with this? I mean we might as well just save everyone a lot of grief and ya know 'close the show' on certian people. Not saying anything else but you get the idea.</p>


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10 years ago

A wag is someone who is amusing and witty; sometimes I really wonder about Canadaland-ians - they really were the black sheep of the old Empire, sort of the Uncle who gets all drunk and lecherous at family gatherings and you have to make excuses for them lol

10 years ago

@nick. You being a good "colonial", please explain to @acheron what a wag is. Ta very much, luv...

10 years ago

there's the "wag" again

10 years ago

@nick. oh you shameless wag!

10 years ago

What is Hogs Will?

10 years ago

Like I said, to me she and Justin B. are just hog swill...

10 years ago

She used to be really popular at the gay nightclubs - lots of her songs played every single night; now not so much.

10 years ago

She is a bitch to me

10 years ago

although she mimes all her tracks

10 years ago


10 years ago

Yes, Nick, a joke. Pretty much like Britney! ooops I did it again!

10 years ago

Oh, I see - yes a joke. I was going to say "perhaps you should ask someone a lot younger" lol

10 years ago

Britney who? you're not getting my twisted humor, nick!

10 years ago

Britney Spears; she is a contemporary entertainer.

10 years ago

I'm sorry, paying attention to who?

10 years ago

Maybe Nick anyway she is trash

10 years ago

The last Britney song I can recall is 'Toxic' - and that is nearly a decade ago! ..She may well have done something since but I certainly wasn't paying attention.

10 years ago

Anyway,Britney sucks and that pastor is just a dumb redneck who can't touch this.

10 years ago

@nate88 I'm a basher. I cant be quiet. I'm not a Gentleman at all,I'm rotten to the core!

10 years ago

I'm sure she thinks gay means happy. As for the other dumbass he he needs a man....bad

10 years ago

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the BASHING -just leave them to their own demise and STOP being what you HATE. Bashing is still BASHING, don't you think?????