's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 1.1K views 39 comments
<p>I see that Steel has departed GBT and am very sorry to see him go; hope he returns one day - he was certainly one of the best members on here.</p>
<p>He had a great sense of humour, was not a 'professional victim', not a cry baby, didn't take offence at the least little thing and made it a pleasure to be online.</p>
<p>So long pardner!</p>


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10 years ago

well second only to santa claus

10 years ago

for the netter part we have a great bunch here, BUT as always there are always a few shit disturbers and drama queens. lets get back to being civil to one another and especially this time of year "peace and love" as has been suggested ...no need for this crap.! hugz paparon xoxo

10 years ago

Billy you're both right and I don't hate him but you can't put flowers in a asshole and call it a vase

10 years ago

well said Thomas, I know evreyone have their own thoughts, but lets show some peace and love, the world is not a kind place just now, love to you all

10 years ago

and the bitchiness continues ..................

10 years ago

i'm sorry to see ppl go. good discussion here though from a lot of guys that care about each other. that's cool!

10 years ago

Hey guys we are al friends here lets calm down. Nick and Steel were great friends and no one made anyone leave. I have been friends with Bobby for some time I chat with him most every night he was in great spirits as we chatted last night. He told me he made some wonderful friends here and will miss them. Anyone wanting to give Bobby a message I will be glad to pass it on just pm me. Lets all quit pointing fingers and making accusations and lets just get along most of you guys here I know real well and hate this is happening the guys I don't know contact me if you want and we will get to know each other. Max

10 years ago

@billy - yes you are right; love not hate

10 years ago

Folks just let it go...accusations and denials and constant bickering isn't going to change anything. Including anyone's opinion of themselves.

10 years ago

me and steel had sum differences at first... but after awhile we were getting along.... he is my friend and i will miss him on here... so sad he chose 2 delete his account... hope he comes back.... all this arguing just needs 2 stop.... luv not hate please

10 years ago

I should also point out that I was not even on the site for 3 weeks until last Friday, as I was out of town on business and not able to be online - the idea this had anything to do with me is preposterous and just shit stirring from 'the usual suspects'.

10 years ago

As usual - 'not' wrong. I asked him straight out yesterday (prior to even starting this topic) if that was the case, and he said no; found the very suggesting rather amusing.

10 years ago

As usual Nick wrong again it has everything to do with you and Jon maybe try thinking outside the box for a change

10 years ago

i never liked arguments ... even on here, but some folk love it, like its the best way to talk is to try to be the one who wins the point, or to score a point.. lol revenge is a dish best served cold eh? ... no wait thats Salad ... SALAD is a dish best served cold :)

10 years ago

just a hug from sump for bobby.

10 years ago

@davey - his departure had nothing to do with me, or Jonpitko - and he certainly never got in any trouble (we aren't 8 years old you know)...he told me he just got bored and it was eating up too much time.

10 years ago

I did pm @jon last night to let him know that all this fighting that was going on was nonsense between friends and that no one has actually left. I guess he wasn't hearing me. He'll be missed.

10 years ago

Jonpitko1961 has deleted his account....Sad to see him go. I know the real side of him and his anger got the best of him. We have lost ANOTHER Friend over silliness - IT ISN'T WORTH IT!!!!!!

10 years ago

thanks Davey. I know there's several here who knew that, and you're the only one who backed me up. Appreciate that.

10 years ago

TIME OUT!!!!! This is all SILLY. You ALL are my friends and need to let this anger go. I had a chat with Bobby last night and he's fine. EVERYONE of you has their own approach on things so just take a breath and calm down - LOVE YOU ALL.....Andy xoxoxo

10 years ago

i read all this and wonder why. you guys can't hurt each other with words, you only piss each other off. talk is talk and doesn't make anybody a tough guy, or should i say wise guy :). why be mean? play nice!