's Blogs


Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 638 views 19 comments
<p>whatever happens, friends will be friends. <br /><br />but what is friendship? who is your friend? it's a question of time, it's a question of trust, it's a question of being together, it's a question of feelings for each other, it's a question of love ...<br /><br />a friend is not just a number, anyone on an anonymous list. especially in social networks like facebook, and yes, like GBT some are only collecting friends and think the more friends i have, the more popular i am, is this really important? does it mean the more people love you? to find out who is a real friend is not easy, you think aah yay, he is my friend, he spends time with me, is funny, kindly, friendly and takes care, but in the next moment you notice that he only pretends it, coz he wants something else and only exploits you. this is disappointing and very deeply hurting ...<br /><br />no matter who he is, what he is, what he looks like, a friend is someone who is there for me when i need him, someone to talk to and someone i can trust, who knows me and feels when i fight with my demons, who is loyal and understands me without saying a word, someone i can count on, someone who can forgive and who is not scared to tell me the truth and never judges, someone who loves me just the way i am and who is just there and gives me a shoulder, takes my hand and touches my heart ...<br /><br />i don't need much friends, i only need real friends.</p>
<p><img src="http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q704/gbtchris/GBT/blog/5276233205005_zpse2b0cbc8.jpg" alt="" width="650" height="683" /></p>


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10 years ago

@mohead2009 - that's interesting about the twin thing. I never thought about it but I guess it must have a lot of influence in how one relates to others.

10 years ago

@coolcock Your thoughts are also very well stated. If you'd like to see if we could become real friends, message me.
ANYBODY that is looking for a new REAL friend, please feel free to message me!

10 years ago

@austinpscott your thoughts about friendship are exactly how I feel. Thanks for stating your feelings so well!

10 years ago


10 years ago

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things

10 years ago

what makes a friend is someone you just click with, cant really put it into words, you might have known them just a little time, but when I joined last year, when I met these two guys I felt I had known them for years, I have lost a few good friends and made a few more, they make me feel contented, what more can you ask in life, a little smile, hug or just a cuddle, is such a heart warming feeling, or just a gentle pat on the back, its that moment in time which can make you feel a million dollars....

10 years ago

read your entey bambamboom learnt a lot :) thanks
i am a twin grew up fighting friendship loyality then i broke away went to art colledge thought things would change the girls thought i was so gay the guys too so dont know what a friend was is still dont envy guys in love buy wish i had thoes feelinggs

10 years ago

thanks for your post Rosi 18 ands bambamboom. it is said you can count your true friends on one hand. I have 2 and working on 3 and 4. hugz paparon

10 years ago

haha, I didn't realize the comment I just posted was THAT long! This is why I suck at twitter :)

10 years ago

For me, the word "friend" on social sites has a very different meaning than the usual definition of friend. A friends list is more like a directory of people that you have some link to or common interest and "friending" them is kind of like a very non-intrusive way of introducing yourself or re-introducing yourself if it is someone you had lost contact with. I don't really look at it like a commitment to anything really, but more like a potential for any number of things - it could be as simple as letting them know you share a similar interest and might want to check out your blog or links. A lot of people collect a lot of friends because they're promoting a cause, their business, artistic projects, or whatever. Some are looking to meet people who might turn into real world friends or relationship and it's often a numbers game where you find one or two people you really connect with out of every 500. That's not to say that internet "friends" can't become real world friends, but that's not everyone's goal. It's basically up to you to use these things how you choose to. Personally I just don't have the time to invest in meeting a lot of people and making lots of new friends. I did a few years ago, and spent lots of time getting to know new people, but situations change sometimes. That's not to say I'm opposed to making close friends on a site like this, but I know I wouldn't be able to put a lot into it and it does take an investment in time and energy to cultivate real close friends. And then there's people I met on the internet who I genuinely like and care about, or at least find them interesting, but I honestly don't every want to meet them in the real world for various reasons. I think that's okay. I could probably have become good friends with most of the people I've met throughout life, but if I had the only thing I'd be able to accomplish is meeting the needs of all those people. But I'm open to getting to know almost anyone, unless they're like an asshole or a serial killer, but I don't have any expectations of what would become of it. It could be a one-time conversation and even those can drastically change you life or perspective. Some "friendships" which didn't go very far still left a profound imprint on my life. Good trusted friends are often hard to come by and should be cherished, but I think we're all connected in so many ways that we don't even realize. Most everyone is connected by a few degrees of separation, so there's a lot of synergy happening that we don't even realize. Not to get too metaphysical, but even the most superficial connections create ripple effects that can even change the course of history. I remember a news story about this elderly man who left a sizable inheritance to the workers at his local McDonalds. They didn't even know his name. He was just some old man who they recognized as a regular coming in few times a month. But for him, those few minutes of them saying hello, smiling at him, asking how he was doing, etc. were the center of his social existence. Often we don't realize how the most mundane actions or words we use can have a much larger impact on other people than we would assume. And one little thing can start a chain of events that when combined with other circumstances could create serious consequences. In the most extreme example you could compare Gandhi and Hitler. Although they're major archetypes, they and activities around them were not the results of one person, but the cumulative effects thousands, even millions over generations. OMG, once I get started writing these things they always end up becoming 20 page essay. I hope I don't come off as a "know-it-all" hijacking blogs for my ego gratification. LOL It's really more like a type of therapy that helps me organize my thoughts by spewing out a stream-of-consciousness and it gets me in the mood to do other writing (and avoid doing other work). Anyway, just random thoughts and opinions. Glad to have a space to do that and it's awesome to hear stories of people who have made good friends on this site.

10 years ago

@ Chris, as @batmanseeksrobin said, having a good friend its wonderful... For the other guy... what to say... he is a true asshole, with all the meaning of the Word... the key is to be our true us... give our true selfs. Im doing this and i think many guys do this too here in GBT, but they are small Number... Be yourself and good thiks will happen, thats my phrase. Hope i helped out. As you say, we need true and Real friends... Take care my friend ;)

10 years ago

@coolcock I'm glad the one guy was so nice he WAS what he portrayed on here ..the other is the type that puts up a façade to lure young guys...how sad he does this. I'm just so glad you made one true friend. Hugz paparon xoxo

10 years ago

@ Rossi, i know two guys of GBT in real, one i knew before i came here, he showed me this side and brought me here, but he deleted his account last summer. we're good friends and i meet him regular, i'm also good friends with his wife and i love their little daughter. the second one lives near my home, he was lovely here at GBT, we had fun and talked a lot and he asked me to meet him, so we made a "date", but he was not the same he is here, he was not lovely or something like this, he was just an asshole and he still scares me, that's why i changed many things i do here.

10 years ago

@ Nick, it would be sad if it needs a dark hour to realize who is a real friend, but you're right, most people disappear when it's getting cloudy and you never hear from them again, or they come back when everything is turning back to normal. a real friend stands by you what ever happens and sometimes he wipes away the clouds before it's getting dark, even if it means that you have to go in a fight.

10 years ago

your ideals I think for friendship are well stated and true. I think Rossi 18 put it succinctly. We start off on social media sites like this as "acquaintances" and if we are lucky they can evolve into true friendships. Since being here I have 3 people I think are evolving into "friends" and I think if we click I can make the effort to see at least 2 of them for real, one is just too far away. If I've learned one thing in life, Wealth is not measured in money, but in friends. Make as many as you can...and you are truly wealthy. hugz paparon xoxo

10 years ago

True and deep friend... you are right. We need Real friends and Real friends are hard to find and keep them close... even you know them in Real life. I have friends here in GBT, that i speak all the time and share msgs, i have meet two off them in Real life and we have great time together when we meet... A freind list as you said is only a friend list, but we deside WHO are going to be close friends and WHO deserve our attencion... My best friend, is from Holand... we meet at a webcam Chat site, from then we started talking at skype... the next year i went for holidays at Amsterdam and meet him in Real life... we are the best friends by now. As you are a traveler, like me... keep meeting NEW people, you dont know what is going to happen... but watch out!!! Take care...

10 years ago

The only way to find out who is a friend is for something to go wrong...when something does go wrong (illness, bankruptcy, arrested etc) lots of people will 'do the dirty on you' and you never hear from them again...it is those - only those - who stick around when you are in a pickle who are your friends. Harsh but true

10 years ago

the things I offer is from the heart, take what you will, to make a friend smile, that makes me contented

10 years ago

offers you my hand