castanho's Blogs

About people

castanho Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 412 views 6 comments
<p>Is my belief that what is of interest to oneself is of interest to others as well, and we are often shocked to discover a passion for a particular cause is not shared by other people; in fact, most people may be totally indifferent to an issue that I care and may be ready to die for. The issues that are of greatest concern to most people, of course, are those directly related to themselves: concerns about one's body, one's clothing, one's personality. Most of the people are likely to realize, however, that their interest in themselves is probably not shared by others; I often feel, on the other hand, that other people are as interested in them as they are in themselves. </p>


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10 years ago

Hi Davey. I would say that to disagree with something is a positive way to get an agreement with anything. Dialogue and comprehension, tolerance and respect are principles of civilized people.

10 years ago

Hi cybermalemk. Thanksss*****

10 years ago

Good blog, Castanho. To cut my own reply short, I was once homeless.. I can't really explain it all here, but the memories are still painful. Well, my ex decided to let me stay where I live now, and since then I have made (and kept) a vow to help the homeless where I can... even going as far as making phone calls to get someone help. The ex does not share my view and often ridicules me over it. I'm the same as Davey.. I try to remain humble :)

10 years ago

Great Subject ..I try to stay Humble myself and not get wrapped up in my own selfish thoughts.Im always interested in others Interests and find that if i listen well then i can learn so much from them because were all so diferrent .I have Passions too but i do understand if others dont share my views.

10 years ago

I can easy get some examples:


- About starving people;
- About abandoned animals;
- On close neighbors or colleagues difficulties or problems;
- In community safety;
- About religion or ethnical discrimination;
- About sex freedom;

I don’t prioritize the topics just a random list that is very … very long!

10 years ago

Can you give some examples of causes or issues you care about but are not shared by others? example of indifference shocking you?