superslammer's Blogs

Why can we not have a real forum here?

superslammer Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 517 views 10 comments
<p>I've been reading some of the drama in certain users lives here on these weird blog things... Why can we not instead have an actual forum here with threads and proper communication? Something seperate from the "porn" side of the site. I look at this website as an escape from bad things and I would love it to remain that way but at the same time I understand people's need to moan about their life or discuss things. I jus tthing this blog format is stupid for that.</p>


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10 years ago

excuse me superslammer, but I can talk about what ever I want! I agree with lolmaster it IS about lucrative revenue to keep the site running. I don't think YOU understand the effort and time the "owner" has to put into this site, upgrading etc.. love to hear from Nick18?

10 years ago


You're underestimating just how lucrative ad revenue can be. Unless you know for a fact that the operating costs are the same as the income, I would have to disagree.

10 years ago

gives superslammer a loan of my soapbox, have a nice weekend

10 years ago

@theburrhead "owners"? You mean "owner". And none of this generates money as income for the owner. If anything, the site just offsets some of the costs of renting a dedicated server. My idea has nothing to do with money though and you are mentioning effort .. but have you any idea how much effort any of this really takes? If not, you probably shouldn't talk about that because most of this is really easy to set up and run... its the moderation of it that is the pain. And some of the regular members here who are trustworthy can help with that. -- The only thing the "owner" would have to do is update the forum when there are serious security flaws. That usually takes all of 10 minutes.

10 years ago

for all the effort, cost, and time spent by owners does it generate any income for them?

10 years ago

@Nick18 if you choose a fairly modern well maintained forum software, the risk for hacking is minimized. As a person who has been hosting websites for 15 years, I can tell you its been rare that any of my customers ever had problems with hacked forums as long as they were updated when needed. Chatrooms I have no experience with other than IRC. And IRC is so old in the protocol that you dont have to worry about it much. You can also assign people to handle those tasks.. such as forum moderation and IRC operators.

10 years ago

Yes Nick, you need to be careful with chat rooms. I remember how bad the Yahoo chat rooms became before they finally shut those down. Towards the end, every single chat room was all nothing but bots and fake webcams. Each time you went into a chat room, you were lucky if you found just one or two real people in there. It was absolutely atrocious. As awesome as it would be to have a chat room on this site, I would hate to see the same thing happen here.

10 years ago

@austinpscottt ... yeah... anyway I think a forum would offer a much better format for what you guys really want. Threaded conversations, subscriptions to conversations etc... I just don't feel that the software used for this website as it stands, is good for socializing. There are some really tight knit forums out there. I suspect if one was put here, it would be just as good. And it would separate this side of the site, from the drama, questions, jokes, feel good stuff etc... Anyway I think its a good idea.

10 years ago

everyones entitled to their view, either trivial or not. if you have a problem or not, this place can maybe help point you in the right direction. Life has its ups and down, its just nice to be nice to try and help others, so I wish you well.