hector460's Blogs

Not sure what to do

hector460 Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 702 views 10 comments
<p>Hey guys, this is going to be a long post, sorry.<br /><br />The basic theme is not knowing if/how/when I should come out, if you're going to give me advice, please read the whole post.<br /><br />My grandmother is one of the most supportive people I've ever met. She always tells me "If it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt anybody, do it." She was adopted but 28 years ago she found out she had two sisters, Paula and Dana. They lived in Columbus and we're in Pittsburgh and even though the distance was long, they would always visit my Grandma and vice-versa. Well one day when I was like 7 or 8 we went up to Columbus to visit Dana and her husband Curt. I always knew them as my aunts and uncles, even though they're technically my great aunts and great uncles. Well during our visit Dana and Curt took me to the YMCA or a similar type of gym to go swimming. After we were done swimming Curt took me into the locker room to get dressed and this was the first time I'd seen a grown man naked. I don't know if it's normal for little kids to ask why men have hair down there and stuff but I did, and without getting too graphic Curt ended up molesting me and taking advantage of me sexually. I know that seems random, but it was my first sexual encounter and I think it led to me being gay. I could be wrong.<br /><br />Jump ahead to middle-school, I've known I was gay since the end of Elementary School but I've never told anybody. In middle-school I pretty much took an interest in everything that fit the gay stero-type: musical theatre, singing, dancing, art, other cultures, languages, clothes, stuff like that. I got bullied a lot, and it was really physical. My bully, DJ, and his friends would punch and kick me, spit on me, knock stuff out of my hands... I had to go to the hospital 8 times throughout middleschool for broken bones or stitches. My parents are very right-wing conservatives. My dad was an Army Ranger for a long time and now he's a stone mason who owns his own business, my entire life was filled with gay slurs and him telling our family that gay people were abominations of the Lord. I'm religious, but I think we should love everybody equally, not based on gender. My mom, I know, would accept me no matter what, but thinks that no matter a man's interest he has a duty to be strong and show no signs of weakness. I know it doesn't sound like I'm describing real people, but that's honestly how they are. So whenever I'd come home bruised or bleeding, they'd do whatever they could to take care of it without going to the hospital. If I did have to go, they'd make me promise to tell the people I got hurt by an accident, not by being beaten up. After DJ bruised a couple of my ribs, my dad enrolled me in three karate classes, Krav Maga, Judo and Tae-Kwon-Do. After around a year of these classes every day my dad threatened to make me stop taking them if I didn't fight DJ, and I really enjoyed the classes so I decided to fight him. It wasn't a gigantic event but I fought DJ and won and he didn't pick on me for the rest of the year.<br /><br />Bringing us to high-school. A couple of kids on the football team (this entire story sounds like a cliche) heard about the fight and really wanted to meet me so they approached me on the first day of school in my freshman year. After some badgering I sat down with them and explained what happened. I was a mess and cried the entire time I told the story. To my surprise it didn't bother them, they didn't think I was weird, and one of the girls that sat with them even started crying too. After I was done with the story they didn't say much, but for the rest of the day they would say hello to me in the halls and stuff. It was the first time a peer of mine went out of the way to talk to me. The next day, I tried to sit alone, but they sat with me, and over time we all became really, really good friends. Since, like most schools, ours was practically run by the football team this made me one of the cool kids. Long story short (I know, too late), I spent the rest of my time in high-school being one of the popular kids: homecoming king, most likely to succeed, class clown, lead in two musicals, student council, you get the picture. I was in the drama club and the band, and I had a lot of crushes on guys, but I also had a lot of girlfriends.<br /><br />So before the end of my senior year I had quite a few girlfriends, but I had never been in love with a girl, and I was a virgin. I hated myself for being gay and I thought I could force it away by being with a woman, so I asked my girlfriend at the time if she'd be willing to fool around with me that night and she agreed. She blew me and it was nice and all, but I could force myself to have sex with her, I simply wasn't attracted to her. It didn't work, obviously.<br /><br />Then college came and I seriously fell in love with a chubby ginger boy named Alex. One of the first times we met he asked me if I wanted to cuddle. I pretended to be weirded out by the question but ultimately made a joke out of it and agreed. We became best friends and were inseperable. I spent more time in his room than in mine, we cuddled a lot, we worked out together and the first time I saw him naked, I knew that I couldn't change that I was gay. After about a year of being best friends he said I was weirding him out and spending way too much time with him and in a dramatic scene, we stopped being friends. It was the most crushing feeling I'd ever felt and in a way, I'm still in love with him.<br /><br />This brings us to the present. The reason I wrote all this is to illustrate the problems I'm having with coming out. I have tons of friends, in the amount of time it took me to write this I've missed 9 text messages from all different people. A lot of them are really weirded out by gay people and one of them has even told me he'd disown me if he knew I was gay. My dad and I are really close, but he literally hates gay people. I never told anybody about Curt molesting me and I want too, but I know my Grandma loves Dana and Curt so much and that she'd disown them if she knew. I don't know what to do guys, but I feel like a spy in a foreign place full of people who hate the place I come from. The gay place.<br /><br />I need help,<br />Hec.</p>


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9 years ago

Heya Hector. I've read your story several times now over the past weeks. It strikes very close to home and, in many ways, my story is very similar. I'm coming to realize, as others have said, that a support network of people who love and understand you is very important. Lots of great advise in these comments. These are amazing people with heartfelt compassion and a great range of experiences. I'm amazed at how much a few weeks of discussion has influenced me. For me, a decision like coming out can be so wrought with unknown variables that a solution never comes. But the input and experience of friends can help you see angles that you can't find from your point of view. These are the type of people who can actually contribute to your decisions. I'd suggest that you take a step back and examine the support structure in your life. Who will be there for you, and who will stand in your way. I hesitate to comment on your situation, because I don't presume to understand from a single post... but from what you have said, consider telling only your grandmother to start. Tell her your story (minus the Curt angle) and explain that you feel she's the only one that might understand. I hope that her love and compassion will encourage you to make another step. Until you are ready, know that you're surrounded by support and love here on GBT. I'd love to chat with you if you would like. Send me a message anytime

9 years ago

hi Hector, first I would say, all in the blog is good advice. You are not gay because of an early molestation. The first thing I would advise you to do ..is come to terms with your self and understand there is no shame in being gay, and be proud of YOU! Secondly I advise you to come to terms with the hateful teachings of your church. There is a difference in being religious and spiritual. What you feel in your heart and mind is yours to determine, not manipulative controlling doctrine by RELIGION. I would seek professional advice for the molestation, its affect on you as a child, and decide whether to lay charges. Finally coming out is not something for everyone to do. if any of the above rings home with and you would like to chat, contact me privately. You have taken the first important step of reaching out and talking about the situations. please continue on that path my friend hugz Ron xoxo

9 years ago

Thanks for that excellent comment, Fred (@gm4yngr) - yes, Hector, remember that the people of this community are here for you, if you want to talk then don't hesitate to get in touch with one of us. xxxx Christopher

9 years ago

Yes, LOVE2JO makes an interesting point. I never came out to my parents, they are very old-school and would have been hurt. I'm sure that they would have felt that they did something wrong, failed as parents. I came out to my younger sister a few years ago, she was fine with it and shared the info with my other sisters who also accepted it, though they never discuss it. I'm out to close friends, but not to co-workers, I work with some close-minded haters. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to decide who in your life needs to, or wants to know. I think some of your family and friends may suspect that you're gay. Of those who do suspect, some may wish you would be honest with them, others never want to deal with the truth. I'm sorry that your life is so complicated, I feel your pain, as many others do. Don't rush into anything, think it over and continue to seek advice. Let us know how you're doing and know that we care.

9 years ago

Hi Hector. Out of all of the advices, I like Thomas' advice the best. I really feel sorry that your innocence was robbed. My best, best, best friend was also abused. My best, best, best friend was around thirteen years old when an older man in his mid-twenties sucked his penis. My best, best, best friend also fucked the man. This happened several times. My best, best, best friend also thinks like you do: He sincerely believes that he finds men greatly attractive because of the adolescent sexual experience he had with the man on different times. This is one of the many reasons of why I think this site is really great. One can describe past experiences and stay anonymous. I wonder how many members in here were also sexually abused, and they have not told anyone else in person or to their family because they do not want to see them suffer.

About coming out: We often think about our feelings. We think that if they really love us, they would accept us with our sexual preference. Yet, we often forget about us loving them. Do we really want to hurt them, especially our mom and dad who where brought up differently and in a different world and time.

One of my best friends came out to his mom. I have never seen someone aged so fast. She has accepted his son coming out. However, you can tell she is really sad. It is like her world ended. She does not care about the essential things of life as she used to. Let us face it. It is not easy for many of them either. Some may need a support system after they hear that their son is gay, and unfortunately they do not get it.

Anyway, in most cases, it is not what you do, but how you do it. It is not what you say, but how you say it. In other words, wait for the pieces to fall into place and do not rush into your own comfort. Consider theirs too. I wish you the best and stay in touch. XO.

9 years ago

Hector some great advice has been given. I would agree you need to separate coming out from the abuse question. And you need to determine which is more important for you to address first. On the question of coming out. We know that you are in college and therefore may be financially dependent upon your family. Before making the decision to come out, I think it is important to be ready for any contingency that my be the result. Can you support yourself if it goes badly with your family, do you have a support network that you believe you can rely on in the process. If you do not have a support network I would strongly suggest reaching out to the local LGBT Center or organization on campus or in your home town to get some local support and advice. While I am a strong proponent of people coming out, make sure you are not putting yourself at risk financially or otherwise in the process. And based on what you have said, I would start with your Grandmother since you strongly believe she loves you unconditionally. Once you have established that with her, then you can begin to move forward with others. It isn't necessary to run out and tell everyone. Take it at your own pace. And rely on the support network you can establish, it will be hard. You will lose some "friends" over this. And to be honest, if you do, they probably were not really friends to begin with. Be proud of who you are, hold your head up, but be safe. If you need a shoulder or an ear, you will find them on this site. Just ask. But I do strongly suggest you reach out to a local organization that can support you in person as well. Good Luck.

9 years ago

You've had some good advice from three very kind, caring people here, who are typical of this site. Essentially, the decision as to when, how and to whom to come out is one that only you can take; generally it's best to come out rather than be outed, as this gives you a measure of control, some breathing space. Your real friends will accept you and your sexuality, those who don't aren't friends. But yours is a quite complex situation, and you should be careful not to confuse the issue of coming out with what Curt did to you - as RD says, being molested is unlikely to have had any impact on you being gay. For what it's worth, my advice is to get through your coming out and all that that involves, let your life settle and give friends and family time to adjust to this reality, and then tackle the question of Curt, which is a matter for the law. RD is right - if Curt molested you, in the 12 or so years since then he is quite likely to have abused someone else and will probably do so again, so he has to be stopped. With all the recent scandals about the sexual abuse of children, the authorities will definitely take what you say seriously - but get your life and emotions in order before you embark on this, because it won't be easy. If you'd like to chat, then by all means drop me a line ... xxxx Christopher

9 years ago

There is no 'one size fits all' advice for when and how to come out. A couple things I'd say, though. First, I doubt that your being molested has anything to do with your being gay. It took me a long time to accept it, which included being married and having two children, but I clearly and only am attracted to other guys, and was fooling myself all through the years. I'd even try to convince myself that any feelings I had about men was simply the result of not getting enough pussy. I was wrong. Second, at some point you need to tell somebody about Curt. If he molested you, he will most likely molest again. One scenario for coming out to somebody very close to you is to start with the question, "Do you love me?" which of course is answered with a yes. Then you ask "Do you really and truly love me?" Then "Would you love me no matter what?" By that time, the person has either already guessed or is trying not to think the worst possible thoughts. -- R.D.

9 years ago

I came out not long ago and thank god my history wasn't anything like yours, but my Ps are conservative bigots and have made life very difficult. My mum is slowly coming around, my dad isn't at all, he won't look at me if it can be avoided. I'm an Australian and obviously you live in America, but our problems are basically the same. I've been helped hugely by people here, this place has lots of older, sympathetic, compassionate people who you can trust. If you think my situation is similar to yours and that I might be able to help, drop me a line and I'll do whatever i can to help, if only to let you get it out of your system. This is a lonely and fraught time and it might be a good time to have some one in your neutral corner who can listen....many hugs from Andrew

9 years ago

Wow, you are faced with a dilemma. Sounds like your Grandma might be the first person to talk to about this. You said that she encourages you to do what makes you happy, she may already suspect that you're gay. I wouldn't tell her about Curt, but tell her the rest of your story. Is she the type than can keep such a secret, if you decide not to come out to your parents?