lht253's Blogs

selfish lovers in bed

lht253 Blog Last Activity 5 years ago 935 views 15 comments
<p>Just wondering if it's just me or are most younger gay guys selfish in bed after they mess ?<br><br>being someone in to younger guys 18/23 i'm kinda not sure if it's me or if younger guys are selfish?<br>Had a few guys like this from around where i live in Ballarat vic australia they come on all strong and have some fun <br>make you all horny then after they've had their fun and made a mess they just stop has this happend to anyone elsejQuery18203111273567062355_1406604662723?</p>


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9 years ago

Agree with what many have said, in that it's not necessarily an age thing, as I've seen this with older guys, too. Along with the other explanations, also take a look at their examples: in the vast majority of gay-porn, all of the hot sex ends with the two guys jacking *themselves* off. Even in the videos where one partner gets the other off, he's usually left to fend for himself, as it's VERY rare to find a video or photo-series where both partners get each other off. The anal-sex videos are particularly egregious in this, as the top will sometimes be shown cumming inside his partner while the bottom has to jack himself off.

9 years ago

Thanks, @swiftjohn, some extremely interesting points.

9 years ago

I don't necessarily think it's always selfishness on young guys' part. A lot of young guys are conflicted about their homosexuality at that age. They're used to hearing negative messages from family, friends, churches and other inputs into their socialization and epistemology regarding homosexuality as they were growing up. And when they find themselves having homosexual desires they experience cognitive dissonance. That is because sexual desire and attraction is innate and dwells in the emotional brain while attitudes to sexuality are learned and exist in the rational brain. When you feel sexually aroused, the emotional brain is at the forefront while the rational brain is subsumed. After ejaculation, the emotional brain goes to sleep and the rational brain with all its baggage takes over again. And as they ponder the homosexual acts they've just committed, they feel guilt, shame, self loathing and the desire to flee from what they've just done. So it is not selfishness on their part but rather their inability to reconcile who they really are and who they think they are supposed to be. And so they flee leaving you high and dry. But they're not fleeing from you. They are trying to flee from themselves and pretend they are something they're not. I've seen it before. The way you handle guys like this is for you to always be the one to ejaculate first. That way if he runs away after having his orgasm, you will at least have had yours. And he will have to deal with his issues with the knowledge that he has another guy's sperm digesting in his stomach or being absorbed into his body in his rectum.

9 years ago

Viewed objectively, it's probably biological. After all, whether gays choose to accept this or not, the human species is designed to produce children and our bodies react accordingly. As we all know, the part the male plays in the act of reproduction is to fertilise the female eggs with his sperm, so once he has ejaculated this job is done, so to speak. This is obviously a generalisation, but after reaching orgasm the male instinct is to pull out and walk away, whereas the female instinct is to hold her lover in her arms, because the maternal programming in her body is telling her that her job - giving birth to and nourishing the child that she and her partner have just conceived - has only just begun. This probably accounts for the fact that men, both gay and straight, find it far easier to have casual, no-strings-attached sex than women do. Nonetheless, and as other people here have said, plenty of men of all ages have tender feelings for their partner after climaxing and like to hold their lover in their arms (and not just after sex), but it tends to be something that comes with maturity.

9 years ago

Don't get me wrong guys I'm not putting down younger guys just asking if it happens to others as well

9 years ago

Young men just dont know, there minds are all about them

9 years ago

Tend to agree about the age related thing - some guys,no matter what age,seem happy to fulfill their own sexual desires and then leave you high and dry.Very frustrating and to be honest very selfish.

9 years ago

Being selfish at sex is not just an age issue or a same-sex issue. I think some men are simply too caught up in their own self-interest and do not feel any need to be sure that their sexual partner enjoys the experience, too. I personally feel that sex should always be a team sport, and you only win if you both win. I want to make sure that whoever I am with enjoys himself as much if not more than I enjoy myself.

9 years ago

Always remember....the more you put into it, they more you get out of it. :)

9 years ago

I've had my share of those kind of selfish guys, especially when I was younger. They were all younger too. They leave you alone with your dick in your hand like it was all about only them getting off. But they loose too, without even knowing it. One of the most erotic and satisfying parts of sharing sex together is getting your partner off, and the more he gets off the more rewarding it is.

9 years ago

I'm 24, and I've had this happen too often. They cum and reluctantly try to get me off to no avail, or suddenly they have some obligation and have to leave. This is especially annoying because I'm a bottom. When I cum first, I still take care of them because I'm committed to the task of getting them off. Lack of etiquette.

9 years ago

@hotbrat101 I'm talking about only them making a mess and not letting you finish

9 years ago

It happens all the time with my husband and me, we get get all hot then after making that mess sometimes the feeling just gets lost after the release, as my husband Steve says it no fun when you cant cum any longer.