handy56's Blogs

Tips for making better Selfie's,Using a mirror

handy56 Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 581 views 8 comments
<p>Using a mirror,</p>
<p>First clean the Mirror very good, becaurse youre Camara wil see al the spots etc on the mirror, and be in youre Selfie. Look also is the lens of youre camara is clean.</p>
<p>If possebel, set the<strong> Iso</strong> of you're camera to 100 ore 200, this will keep noise out of the selfie ( Noise is when the selfie looks like there is grain in your Picture.)</p>
<p><strong>Low Iso</strong> needs more time to get the exposre of the Selfie correct, so you need to keep the Camera from moving.</p>
<p>Option 1. put your camara on a tripot.</p>
<p>Option 2. Use a flash, <strong>Warning:</strong> the flash wil reflect in the mirrow, So keep the camara at a 45 degree angel when taking the selfie</p>
<p>Put youre camara on auto wite balance, Ore the Selfie wil become to yelow ore orange, that is beacaurse the most indoor ligth is warm wite color, (warm withe =3200 kelvin, dayl ligth = 6500 kelvin)</p>
<p>Push the camara sutter only 1/2 down, this gives the command to the camara to Auto focus, wait 2 seconds and the autofocus shoud be done, push the shuttergently all the way down to take your selfie.</p>
<p>Coments and tips are always welcome,</p>
<p>Hope this helps if you want to know more tips, just ask,</p>
<p>Handy56 Hobby fotograf</p>


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9 years ago

Great tips! One additional that I would add...regardless of whether you doing a selfie with a camera or your phone, try to make sure that there are no bright lights behind you (have more light in front). That way, we'll see more of your gorgeous face and body! Also for a bit of dramatic lighting, try some soft side lighting from a window! Thanks again, Handy56 for these great tips!!

9 years ago

Very true! Great tip @klausab

9 years ago

And afterwards: Don't forget to "mirror" your photo, because you want it to be a picture of yourself, not your mirror image. You will be surprised how different your real you is from your mirror you.

9 years ago

Put your camera on auto white balance, Ore the Selfie will become to yellow ore orange,compare:
After correction

9 years ago

First clean the Mirror very good, because your Camera will see al the spots etc on the mirror, and be in your Selfie. Look also is the lens of your camera is clean.
example of a not clean mirror,

9 years ago

Why use a mirror and if u don't have a tri pod use a counter top they are usually the right height and set the timer. if you have a camera that is capable of operating with a remote then just click away.

9 years ago

Sounds good, if your using an SLR camera. Most selfies these days seem to be from camera phones, which makes sense... And if you're using a tripod, why would you be taking a picture in the mirror? ...Just a thought...

9 years ago

hehe wise tips though think most guys just think look at my cock and press - giles :)