pimpeki's Blogs


pimpeki Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 559 views 7 comments
<p>Is it true that men today lack testosterones in comparison with men 70 years ago? Apparently, it is caused by food we eat today. Is TestoMax200


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9 years ago

I can tell you that Low testosterone has started hitting me at 37 and it's no fun at all even worse is the prostate being enlarged was a real scare for me

now almost 39 I've changed my diet and cut back on the amount of booze and have seen some small changes in my amount of sperm as well as feeling a lot better

9 years ago

Thx Billi, it's not my personal problem but general warning for general men population. I don't know about the supplements and possible side effects. But, I'm sure with high testosterone shooting is stronger, everyone w'd like to shoot as on the avatar of LOVE2JACK, or video with boy shooting on his black T-shirt

9 years ago

I think it depends on how old those men were 70 years ago.

9 years ago

I always thought it was because I was getting older

9 years ago

It's due to pesticides in fruits,vegetables,growth hormones in meat, eggs,... etc.etc....It seems it is much more serious than it looks at first.

9 years ago

god where did I leave the other bit of my pizza