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Davey1965 Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 600 views 15 comments
<p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/WKqVKye.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="600" /></p>


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9 years ago

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Yep..it is a serious subject...You have various choices..Resist the bullies..or "go with the flow".I should remind yooze all of the ancient Greek,called Aesop.in his fable,he told of the proud SOLID oak tree,and the "pathetic" willow tree...Small wind..the oak stood upright,whilst the willow bent over a bit....HUGE wind.the willow was almost flat to the ground..the proud SOLID oak,crashed to the ground,DEAD...Next day,in the calm,the "pathetic" willow stood upright..the mighty oak was termite food..OK..??

9 years ago

Boys who aren't sufficiently 'male' and get bullied for it and called 'gay' even if they're not are a bit of an unrecognised population sometimes. It's all part of the same boring gender stereotyping by the apes of the world who are too cowardly to just be human and be themselves. In the end they'll all wind up old angry and alcoholic while all gay and non-gay real boys will still be able to love, whoever they choose to love.

9 years ago

I think hairbear was trying to lighten the mood with humor, but this is a serious subject.

9 years ago

Am I the only one who has a problem with the previous comment?

9 years ago

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ The trick with bullies...is to suck their cock..Firstly, they will not want any-one to find out...so they treat you good..the second is they will treat you good..'cos they will want you.. to suck their cock ..again..and..again.and YOU get LOTZ of cock to suck..Woo-Hoo..!!.worked for me,when I was very young..and if you have a problem with that..I dont care,cos YOU cannot change my past....QED....DAVE...β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

9 years ago

I am sympathetic for this kid, I was bullied at school too. If you can stand it then it does help develop mental toughness which can be useful in later life.

My initial reaction was like "calling someone gay is not necessarily an insult"

Also I always feel sorry for bullies to. Usually they are every unhappy on the inside and perhaps have their own perceived 'weakness/problem' that they are trying to distract others from. Pointing that out can shame them and stop the bulling.

Being able to defend yourself physically is always a useful life skill, when you are young and later in life. I favour karate myself. You don't need a weapon and it's good for discipline and strength.

Love and peace

J x

9 years ago

Thanks Ron for ur comments and im so pleased for your Grandniece

9 years ago

To any young guy on here who is being bullied, tell your parents all of it, and get them to go to your school and tell them you have consulted with a lawyer. My nephew's daughter was having problems and the school responded (for fear of being sued). All of the bullies and their parents were hauled into school by the principal and my nephew was there. He made it quite clear if the bullying continued, he would lay a charge of harassment against the students, and just the thought of a lawyer taking action, made the parents act on their child's behaviour. It was the end of the problem and his daughter by showing her courage in standing up to the "wolf pack" the bullying stopped. Sitting back in fear solves nothing. Most of us older guys here have been through much worse in the "old days". Today there are rules, laws and organizations to help you. There are guys here you can talk to. Please Please do something. One more thing if you think suicide is a way out, it is the most selfish thing you can do, hurting your parents and friends. We gays have been through many battles and we have been shown one thing...stand up for your rights!

9 years ago

Davey, thanks for sharing "The Person". Lauren and Alex did a good job on it, EXCEPT, I believe that it does cost to be a bully. The bully is paying the price of missing out on a lot of friendships with a lot of beautiful people. Bullies are pathetic!

9 years ago

The Person ...
The person you called four eyes yesterday is smashing their glasses.

The person you called ginger the other day is now secretly dyeing their hair.

The person you called fat last week won’t eat their food.

The person you punched yesterday is now covered in bruises.

The person you kicked the other day is now on crutches.

The person you pushed over last week now has their arm in a sling.

The person you sent a threatening text to yesterday is now deleting all their contacts.

The person you sent an abusive email to the other day is now destroying their computer.

The person you left a racist voice mail for last week is now trying to change themselves.

The person you have been bullying for the last couple of years has just now tried to commit suicide and is now in a mental hospital with critical injuries...

It doesn’t cost to BE a bully but it DOES to be a victim.

By Lauren Phang and Alex Mansfield,Year 6

Newtown Primary School,Gosport

9 years ago

It really sucks that this kid had to go through this. There must be somewhere he can turn to for help. Wish I could help him somehow.

9 years ago

They sure do Jake .Those school years are so important to a child and any bullying can have an affect on them for the rest of their lives

9 years ago

My high school was like that.

9 years ago

I've seen this kids photo elsewhere earlier. Thanks for sharing it. My only concern is this: I feel very bad for the kid (as I have a history of being bullied myself), and I don't necessarily expect him to exhibit the level of maturity to appreciate verbal context, however, I do wish to see a day where being called gay (even if you are heterosexual) doesn't matter. It's difficult at this age to ignore or contextualize words that are felt to be potentially hurtful, and I don't know the exact situation. But it matter in this situation who initiated the physical attack? If he was simply being called "gay" or "faggot" repeatedly, and he initiated the attack, I think it does matter. If he didn't, then that is different also. Something should be done either way. But a gay kids response to this would probably have been "Yes, I'm gay honey, but you're not my type, so please stop trying."