prettyangelboi's Blogs

Being depressed

prettyangelboi Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 558 views 16 comments
I get so depressed around this time of year. And then I have to deal with friends who abandon me and coworkers who treat me like dirt. Some people are plain mean. Sigh.


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9 years ago

Jasin e-mail me and we can be friends. I will always be here for you baby. I'm a sucker for a sad lyl hottie with a woodie.


9 years ago

you listen to me Justin! you are gorgeous, by the way you are dressed you come from a good family. I bet if you worked at it your grades woud be great and I know by those sweet sexy eyes ypu have alot of friends. Now you have a lot to be grateful for and don't disrespect God by being unappreciative. I could marry you just from the picture and and I have a husband and a boyfriend. So you must have be something special about you, If I was there when you were depressedI'd sMother you in my cHest and make you feel safe mYy baby doll. And I don't know how long I could keep from pleasuring you anyway you wantes. You bet depressed you e-mail me at trusgold @aol. com. Someone ouy here thinks you are the shit baby! I'm in Pittsburgh. Keeo the faith baby.


9 years ago

This is an extraordinarily hard month for many. Society sets the bar high that we are all to be in the most fabulous mood. Filled with good cheer. But for many, it is just another month and comes with the increased pressure to be joyful. Don't let the world dictate what happiness is for you. Like others have said, we own our own happiness. That is not to say the idiots and other people don't have an impact. But we choose to let them have that impact. So find the one or two that you feel close to. Let them stand with you..and share a moment of friendship. Remember there are many here you can lean on, talk to and would be happy to find that point of connection they can share with you. Hugs...Thomas xxooxxoo

9 years ago

Friends and acquaintances are not the source of happiness....especially at this time of year when they are busy with their own concerns. Now, and all year, the source of any Happiness is within you. Look deep and let yourself feel the warmth of being happy...even to start just a little bit...and let that glow increase. You will find that not only will you find peace and happiness within, but you will begin to share that with others with whom you come into contact.

9 years ago

maybe we should all agree to love and honor our gbt family this time of year. reach out, share, support and keep this blog active through the end of the year. my heart goes out to others that are lonely, depressed, abused or miss-treated. we all have something to share. here are some big hugs to pvtdragon and anyone else that needs it...or needs some encouragement. there is some good advice here.

9 years ago

Here's a ((((((((BIG HUG)))))))) for you Angel. ~ :Dennis

9 years ago

I deleted my old account because i was always told im fat and all that. This time of the year is just horrible for me as well. i cant stand it anymore, but i still respect people, and help people. You will always be you. dont let assholes take you down. All you need is one good friend to make everything a lot better.

9 years ago

you are not alone in how you feel especially this time of year. get away from those that are negative on your soul and find more positive people to be around. One thing I found this time of year after many years with the same feelings, go and volunteer somewhere and make some friends. A food bank or soup will make you feel better and proud that you have helped someone less fortunate. And above all if you feel the same still, get some help, talk to someone my friend, and there are people here you can confide in ...hugz ron xoxo

9 years ago

It is true that some people are just plain mean. It is sad that they are that way, but try not to let it bother you. If you are not able to ignore them, maybe try to take pity on them. Ask them if there is anything you can do to help them be a happier person. Tell them that you're sorry that they had some bad experience in the past which has made them this way. Or maybe just tell them that you don't have the time or skills to help them deal with their issues and suggest that they seek professional help. Remember, they are the ones that have a problem, not you. Be nice to yourself and to others who deserve it, seek out some new friends who are worthy of you!

9 years ago

Sorry to hear that.Please try to think of the positive things at xmas.I learnt many years ago to enjoy my own company so i didnt rely on friends, being around so much especially at this time of year when many are away on holiday ..I just got a pM from someone calling me a Paedofile but that wont get me down ..Stay strong and enjoy it here because its such a good site

9 years ago

You're such a lovely warm hearted guy Pretty Angel Boi. Sorry to hear you're getting that crap from friends and coworkers. Some people are total shits. You're better than all that so hang tough. This month is so brutal for so many people. BIG HUG

9 years ago

You should do what I do! Play squat tag in an Asperigus patch with some friends. That will really pick yer pecker up my little chickadeeee!

9 years ago

Hey you can always talk if me if you do need a friend. I am here if you need that friend

9 years ago

I can totally understand that feeling, for those away from family or spend Christmas a lone it can be one of the worst times of year...
Chin up and maybe tell a few people how you are feeling (The ones that make you feel bad)... you might clear the air and be a little stronger for it too.

9 years ago

sorry to hear that. i've been there, too. stay strong and hang in there.