TheHound's Blogs

Gay ignorance still astounds me.

TheHound Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 441 views 13 comments
Ran into a friend of mine today at the local Wal-Mart. We talked for a good half an hour about many things, but the one minute topic we got onto about gay people really struck me.<br /><br />We started talking about the Loony Toons from the Westboro Baptist Church picketing gay funerals and such, and she said something that made me laugh:<br /><br />"I don't hate gay people. They just have something wrong with their head."<br /><br />I have been attracted to boys since I was 13. There is nothing wrong with me. And there is nothing wrong with you. Nobody in my world knows how I feel because I happen to like girls as well so I have sucessfully been able to mask it for a long time. It is ignorance that drives people to hide who they are. It is ignorance that makes LBGT kids want to kill themselves because they start believing the comments about something being wrong with them.<br /><br />I sit here and imagine what my friend would have said if I came out and told her that I have wanted to ride boys since I was 13. (Okay, I wouldn't have said it quite that way, but still...)<br /><br />What a world we live in.


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9 years ago

I didn't choose to hate asparagus but I learned to understand it and like it, like all the other mixture of vegetables in the patch lmao!

9 years ago

I think it needs people to come out when they can safely to people like these. Not in an aggressive way, but in a "We are all around you kinda way". It's stunning how they change their point of view when it's someone they know, trust and love.

9 years ago

Lil-B, just listen to yourself, asparagus fanciers do not have a recruitment agenda. They may not be "right in the head" but we should accept them in spite of their strange ways. Nobody chooses to like asparagus, they are born that way ;-D

9 years ago

I know this personally too. As someone who is now with a guy, but I was previously in a long term relationship with a girl, people like to share their hate because they assume, as a straight white male, I feel the same as them. I don't let it hurt me, I just feel bad for them and how they place these limits on their lives. I am capable of loving anyone, whether penis or vagina, and I limit my hate to rude drivers, anonymous internet haters and the tea party. I have only come out as bi to a handful of people, and luckily they have been kind and treasured the fact that I shared this with them. Those are the people that matter, the ones who love/care about me for ME.

9 years ago

I would have asked her what she thinks of you and after she tells you and pauses tell her you are gay and are no more sick in the head than SHE IS!

9 years ago

@gm4yngr lol I'm asparagusphobic all the way!!! its smell, texture or even how it looks I refuse to talk or even look at someone if they fancy asparagus for the fear they can make me into an asparagus fancier I think maybe there should be a hate movement "Anti-asparagus for humanity"

9 years ago

time and passing will help, but people should be held personally accountable by us when we're confronted with their backwards views like that; I mean, my grandparents are both in the 70's and have accepted me from the time I was 13 and wearing eyeliner and shit to school! They grew up in rural Minnesota where I'm from, so if they didn't make any excuses neither should the other elderly XD

Though we don't know the age of the woman from this blog, she wasn't even old!

9 years ago

SADLY - it will take time and passing of the older generation. PATIENCE but Stand Strong

9 years ago

This is why I don't socialize with straight people.

9 years ago

Yes I know how you feel. The only people who knew I was gay were the boys and young men I was having sex with. If you meet someone you fancy , and they are of legal age then I always found it pretty easy to get the message across that I was interested in them sexually. I still do manage to get that message across even at my age. So don't give up hope of getting a bit of the sex you like.

9 years ago

Sorry u couldnt just come out and tell her so she Wakes up and sees we,re not all suffering from a mental illness as she thinks we are.Now that your in your thirtys i hope things become clearer for you and you start to come out more and more .The sooner the better so ur life can be improved before you get too much older

9 years ago

I probably would have made some reply to her comment, something like "Yeah, the gays and anybody who likes asparagus really should get professional help".

9 years ago

yeesh, what a cunt