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Not all men have dicks.

Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 479 views 9 comments
I've always been somewhat bothered by how the queer community equates loving men with loving penis, despite the fact that there are plenty of gay trans men who do not have penises. I guess I'm more aware of this because I'm a trans person (non-binary) myself, but there is so much cissexism in this community, and if we truly want to encourage the movement as a whole to accept everyone, we need to call ourselves out on this kind of thing more. We particularly need to quit equating one's genitalia with one's gender, because they are absolutely not the same thing. Just a little reminder for everyone here.


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9 years ago

What a post! Where to start? First of all, I've never had sex with a gay trans man and while I support transgender rights I have to admit that I sometimes do exactly that, I equate living men with living dick, as both are a kind of unity in my brain. Which leads to an even more interesting question, could I love a man without? The answer is obvious: yes. As love and sex are two different things, which even my brain gets. The sex? If the love exists one finds ways to cope with the situaexists So I guess the answer for sex is: whatever works. To be honest, I've never thought about gay men "sans" before, I mean they are the living antithesis to my brains working model of the world. Then I look up what a non binary transgender person is and have to admit failure, my brain is too anchored in the binary gender world to understand some of the distinctions. I mean, if push comes to shove I might bluff my way through some casual talk on the topic, but I admit I'm not really able to break free from the binary gender world to truly understand what a non binary transgender is. For that I apoltruly.

9 years ago

Im with Jake ...An excellent topic....Something ive never really thought about before ...Just going on experience ...I have always seen Transgender People at any Gay Function or Nightclup etc and at any Protest for Gay rights.Even in my Hometown they were always front and centre at our Big Annual Gay Parade.I really got the feeling that they were totally a part of the LGBT Community and had a strong voice whenever we had to show Gay Pride or March for our Rights to be heard and Addressed.I think you are right tho Because our community does, i think equat being Gay with loving Penis...Thanks for bringing this subject up and really reminding us that we are all really equal and we need to be totally aware of that in our daily lives.

9 years ago

we all are what we are, not by choice, that includes heterosexuals, gays, bisexuals, lesbians, transgendered persons etc. You are you, be you, and all of us share in your story. Just move on past the negatives of some of society, be you, be loved, and most important, love my friend. You always have support here and I don't think any are judgemental. Best of luck to you sweetie hugz Ron xoxo

9 years ago

I am not transphobic. I'm totally accepting of transexuals. However, I just don't care to have them in my bed. For me to get hard, I must see a penis. If you don't have a penis, I don't get hard. It's that simple with me. Being able to delight in a penis ejaculating in my mouth or pistoning inside my rectum is what I love about being gay. Only another penis can give me the sexual pleasure and satisfaction I desire. That is because I worship the erect penis and crave the sweet nectar that spews forth from it. So don't think that just because transexuals don't interest me sexually that I'm not accepting of them as people. I merely don't care for them as sex partners.

9 years ago

wish you well, and take care, scott

9 years ago

Hopefully, most if not all people in the gay community (and definitely with the recent, horrible death of Leelah Alcorn) realize that trans rights are equally as important as anyone else's rights. Then again, one of my best friends in the world identifies as trans, and I hope I'm not blinded by my own bias. (btw, you forgot speciesism, which is equally important to me not to tolerate). Best wishes.

9 years ago

Yeah, that is kind of what I'm getting at. The "T" part of the LGBT acronym frequently gets left behind, as trans people are murdered daily, and as trans people are systemically oppressed daily. I worry that one the United States has same-sex marriage in all 50 states that the LGBT community will basically go "Yay, no more work to do!"

9 years ago

Personally, while I identify as gay, I've always found trans people to be very attractive, both physically and from the perspective of just being interesting people (I suppose I may be androgynosexual, with a preference towards men). Perhaps what you wish to address is the still lingering discrimination against trans individuals in the gay community, which does exist (although I've never understood it myself). I do get really tired of the labels, however.