's Blogs

Ben Carson: People not born gay. Its a choice

Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 890 views 31 comments
<p>Ignorant? is he right or wrong? Probably some gays are hardwired this way, but not all. I could see situations where people in the formative years of their youth share a gay experience with a friend that sets them down the path toward attraction of the same sex that they wouldn't have had if there hadn't been that experience. Maybe in some people sexuality isnt hardwired at all and they only figure it out after they've had enough exposure to it to make a decision. Probably more people fall into this catagory than the former, which if true, would suggest Carson is right. I don't know, its complicated, what do you all think? Oh, he's a neurosurgeon, so its not like he's an idiot or is clueless.</p>


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9 years ago

Choice???? What sane person puts his hand up to be part of a loathed, vilified, brutalised, murdered and discriminated-against minority? We are what we are, who knows why? For me it's the way I am and I've spent every minutes since I was 11 or so trying to ensure that I wasn't outed because I'm so afraid of the gay label and what it might expose me to. For me at the moment I prefer to be not out rather than willingly adopt a new, worse, proscriptive identity that is dangerous and restricted. Right now the ghetto I occupy is in my own mind, not the one society imposes on us so happily and thoughtlessly.

9 years ago

Human sexuality is fluid. It is different with every person on the planet. I believe in the golden rule, treat others as you want to be treated. Love conquers all. It all depends on the individual. I have been on both sides of the spectrum. As we all age and mature, our sexuality changes. That is just how I believe. Hope this helps.

9 years ago

There he is.

9 years ago

Believe you me if I listened to, or did, everything people like Rachel Maddow, or Sean Hannity threw up out of their mouths on a daily basis I would be crazier than I already am

9 years ago

If you want some good advise...stay away from Fox network and other media outlets that rant on about, and openly push, narrow minded conservative points of view, and stay away from media networks that rant on about, and push, extreme liberal points of view because they are not solving the problems, they are only creating more anger and hostility, on BOTH sides, by widening an already large canyon.As my mommy Hoodoo used to say, "The best remedy most situations is to lead by example and don't follow the crowd."

9 years ago

I totally agree with Austinpscott! And that is coming from an evil magician like me! If only it could be that easy Austin and in a perfect world it would be, But slowly more people are becoming more understanding of what makes people tick and a majority of people are becoming more tolerant of those that are "different", but there still is a long way to go.

9 years ago

people shouldnt put people into pigeon holes, does it matter what you are in life, we should all get on, not hating someone for what they are or are not, or pointing the finger saying you are a so and so, so what does it matter, standing on a circle of life or should that be a straight line.....

9 years ago

Getting out of character, and actually being serious for once, I can honestly say I take a few different view points on this obviously controversial topic and I DO agree, that in some cases, a minority of people ARE indeed born that way, especially boys that have more effeminate qualities, and girls that have more masculine qualities, that eventually grow up to have the sex change operations, or to be politically correct, "sexual reassignment" procedures. As far as anyone else goes, I can not, and will not speak for them, or claim to know anything about why they prefer homosexuality vs heterosexuality, but as far as my experiences go, I did like girls a looooong time ago and after going through all the mind games, and drama that girls/women put me through, I found it much easier to relate to, and identify with men a lot easier, socially AND sexually, so for me it was, and always will be, a choice, and a choice I am VERY content/happy with because women scare the crap out of me and I will never be able to understand them, in fact I gave up on trying to understand the mind of a woman a long time ago. I LIKE women just not in a sexual way.

9 years ago

I knew at the age of 8 I was sexually attracted to boys. It wasn't like I said I'm picking boys over girls. In my teen years I dated girls but I wasn't sexually attracted to them so the relationships didn't last long. I also had a few male friends I was sexual with. We hung out but we didn't have the passion that girl/boy relationships have. I have no sexual desire to be with a woman. I have tried to force myself to but it's not there. I'm full of passion for males and other males for me. Passion is a emotion you have to feel not chose to have. You can try to fake it but your partner will know it's not real. If we could chose then we would have passion for both sexes. That is not case with me. I didn't chose the passion I was born with.

9 years ago

Which is worse, a gay hater that eventually ends up opening his mind and accepting gays, or the gay guy that tosses him and the hardened hater out in the same garbage heap?

9 years ago

Swiftjohn is right, you can not reason with unreasonable people. The holier-than-thou type of people do feel that it is their mission in life to dictate how others live. Our only chance to make our world better is to vote!

9 years ago

And this douche bag wants to be President. Whether being gay is determined by nature or nurture is irrelevant quibbling. We are gay and that's that. This fucking asshole is simply a right wing gas bag who is attempting to delegitimize ALL gays by hiding behind his medical credentials to pander to religionists and other right wing, one eye browed, knuckle dragging mouth breathers that constitutes the Republican base. His positions on gays are based solely on his own ideology and not science. And ideology is rooted in emotion and not reason. He and others like him believe his bullshit because they WANT to believe it and attempting to reason with them on an intellectual level is a fool's errand. Richard Dawkins was once asked by Bill Maher what he says to people who say the earth is 6,000 years old. Dawkins replied "I don't talk to them". Dawkins knew that arguing with irrational beliefs is pointless. Just as pointless as trying to argue with this fuck and all the people like him. This is why we must always vote. I guarantee all the people who think like him always vote. And when we vote, we cancel out one of theirs. So if you're not already registered - get registered. And then god damn it show up. No excuses.

9 years ago

I have to agree with Nick that there is a wide spectrum concerning sexuality and in reality only a small percentage of ppl are 100% straight or 100% gay. I also agree that culture plays a big role. But I don't think you can be 'taught' to be gay, nor can it be 'unlearned'. You are who you are. Discovering who that is, and where you are in that spectrum of sexuality is difficult for many. It's all part of life. ~ My opinion of Ben Carson...he's just another ultra right wing extremist. Any kind of extremist is dangerous because they are incapable of compromise, and without compromise democracy is unachievable.

9 years ago

There is always a choice. The hard part is knowing which is the right choice for you, even when almost everyone screams your wrong. The choice is always yours in the end, it is what you want/need/choose that matters.

9 years ago

There is no such thing as gay, lesbian etc, the world loves labels to enable discrimination - No labels = No discrimination. Oh sorry, one label - HUMAN. If two people love and care for each other it is of no business to others.

9 years ago

damn I made a bunch of typos :|

9 years ago

Ben Carson might be a neurosurgeon, but that does not make him an expert on all things.

His argument was people go in to prison straight, and come out gay, "so it's clearly a choice". Well, what can you say about that. A lot is what you could say.

From people being raped, to people having suppressed sexuality, to bisexuality, to pimping for survival and more.

Sexuality is on a spectrum. But fuck me if I'm going to go down the road of spectrum's. Society is only ever so slowly accepting people as gay. Bi probably to a lesser extent. Start to talk about people having a 0.5% swing to heterosexuality and masses heads will explode.


Born this way

9 years ago

Sorry but this is the way I was born. No events "turned" me this way, no one "influenced" me to become gay. I always have been & always will be. There never was a straight me. I think that uptight neurosurgeon has a screw loose.

9 years ago

All I know is you can choose to be celibate or attempt to have heterosexual relationships but being gay is a normal part of human sexuality. As for being born gay I can only say that I've always been attracted to guys since I was 4 years old and at that time I had no idea what being gay or sex was for that matter but I though boys were cute and wanted to be with them...

9 years ago

I agree with Will. The question isn't whether you're born gay, but rather if sexuality in general is genetically inherited. Why as a gay community does it matter to us if its learned or inherited? Should we be ashamed if it is learned? What's important here is whether we're legit and respected by others as human beings, not how we became gay. As for Ben Carson, I'll reserve judgment for now. I could see the mainstream media hating the idea of him and doing whatever it can to hornswaggle him up front before the campaign even begins.

9 years ago

He's wrong. I never had any experience with guys when I was young. Nothing. Yet here I am.