's Blogs

Frustrated, Tired and Angry

Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 310 views 4 comments
<p>As various states attempt to provide a "right" to discriminate against LGBT people due to religion my thoughts are expressed below.</p>
<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://i.imgur.com/AXRVyE2.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="338" /></p>


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9 years ago

ONE of my favorite quotes, "Don't let your religion interfere with MY FREEDOM".

9 years ago

It's alright. I feel they're in a losing battle. What happened in Indiana was a fluke, really. But I get your frustration and I agree.

9 years ago

In Canada, those pesky Christian right-wing nutbars lost the gay marriage battle. Now they're trying a new approach. They are claiming Christians are discriminated against in Canadian society. Their current whine is that Christian Medical Doctors cannot refuse to refer women who need abortions to other doctors who do. If they get the right to discriminate against these poor women, the door will be open to them having the 'right' not to treat faggots like us cuz it's against their religion. Then they could also claim 'conscience' in refusing to treat blacks, Jews, you get the idea... RELIGION IS HATE. The more you hate, the more you prove your love for your faith. Sad. Sick. Scary. And coming to a country you may live in soon. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vLLxKOnHTiAJ:news.nationalpost.com/2015/03/06/doctors-who-refuse-to-provide-services-on-moral-grounds-could-face-discipline-under-new-ontario-policy/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

9 years ago

So very true!