prettyangelboi's Blogs

I wish it was normal for boys to wear leggings and short shorts

prettyangelboi Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 419 views 2 comments
<p>I sometimes feel like I am the only one that thinks that boys fashion here in America is extremely boring. Seeing boys everywhere in their baketball shorts and oversized jeans and loose-fitting boxers and board shorts is so cliche and unoriginal.</p>
<p>It's tiresome the way that society teaches us that boys are to be ashamed of their body, and that they are to  hide behind loose-fitting clothes at all times because the male figure is intrinsically unattractive (unless it fits an unrealistic stereotype of hypermasculinity, such as a six-pack). In terms of Western values, the entire sexual appeal of a male is supposed to be derived only from money and power and job security and physical strength, not physical beauty.</p>
<p>In fact, the notion of boys having any concern with physical appearance is seen as the antithesis of masculinity. I think a boy can look just as appealing in revealing or even provocative clothing such as short shorts and leggings and yoga pants and bikinis and leotards as any girl. There is certainly nothing wrong with appreciating the male form. I think it's finally time that boys be liberated by these oppressive stereotypes of masculinity. Fashion policing in America is a function of tribalism and it serves only to control the populace, to maintain unquestioning conformity, and to obviate any potential for dissent. What happened to "land of the free, home of the brave"?</p>


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9 years ago

You have to be careful not to go in the other direction and become self righteous. Then your motivation becomes attention you can draw on to argue with. I would love more boys running around in short shorts! Luckily we had track teams for that in grade school ^.^

9 years ago

I agree, so I dress the way I want and care not a wit what others think.