FVDH1994's Blogs

Anybody have advice about being gay in military

FVDH1994 Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 389 views 5 comments
<p>us military</p>


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8 years ago

Join the Navy ;)

8 years ago

Be cool about it. Don't throw it in anybody's face. Do your job the way it's supposed to be done. Act professional at all times. Others won't make it an issue if you don't make it an issue. A conservative icon by the name of Barry Goldwater, who also was a general in the reserves, once said back in the 1960's "You don't have to be straight to shoot straight". So if you find yourself in the shit, the only thing that will matter to those around you is that you shoot straight. It is incumbent upon you and all other gay service people to not give the critics of gays in the military anything where they can say "See. Told you so". Instead, you want the generals and admirals to say "We haven't had any problems". Then the whole controversy will just simply fade away and be forgotten.

8 years ago

You need to get to know our 'go to' US Marine Andy. He's a great guy. Make friends with him and ask away: http://www.gayboystube.com/user/Nate88