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What Do You Expect?

Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 639 views 19 comments
<p>Hey I know it is a morbid question, but what do you expect to happen after you die? I myself, I don't want any pearly gates, a firey hell, reincarnation, or Ilse of blest, I dont want anything, when I die I just want it all to fade to black and end, nothing more I just want it to be over.  With that cheery thought, what are your views on this? I also am not planning on going anytime soon, just a thought inspired by watching to many episodes of Dead Like Me.</p>


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6 years ago

Great show. i have often pondered this there are some wild theorist out there that are so certain they are right and know without doubt what happens, All i know for sure is what ever happens there is only one way to be sure and its gonna be an adventure

6 years ago

It is my belief that when you die, It's exactly like falling asleep without the dreams.  No white lights  no fanfare,  Just the ride is over.  the end.   see ya love ya bye

6 years ago

I've decided not to die; it's a decision that's working well so far....

6 years ago

Won't know until I try it.

8 years ago

The body contains a soul or an energy and energy cannot be made or destroyed. The body will turn to dust and the energy "soul" will go back from whence it came from.....Simple logic!!!

8 years ago

Great question and discussion! I truly don't know what I expect. I think so often about what happened to each of my parents when the exact moment of death came. I would love to believe in Heaven but just can't get over all the reasons why it doesn't exist. Reincarnation could be possible but seems pretty far out there as well to me. Guess I will find out when my number comes up, as we all will.

8 years ago

nothing is destroyed everything is transformed.
Life is so sure of beating us, that is gives us an entire's life advantage.

8 years ago

well when i die i would be really dissapointed if the religious right wing christians and fundamentalist muslims were right in their beliefs and i was in the line for eternal damnation and satan for company while they met st peter and nubile virgins .. the earth wii be destroyed by its sun so i will be stardust but thats atoms = my spirit the thing that makes me me and you you ........................... who knows :)

8 years ago

@Naturelover: that is what I was trying to say when I wrote this, thank you for expressing it so well, gratis tibi ago.

8 years ago

live life, for tomorrow is promised to nobody. After we take the "big dirt nap", there are many theories. I believe my energy can't be destroyed, thus I reincarnate.

8 years ago

But what I HOPE would be some kind of afterlife, with my animals who have pre-deceased me. I don't give a damn about my biological family (they in turn don't give a damn about me). But if there's some Ghosttown where I could be with my animals, that'd be cool.

8 years ago

I'm with anjinsan.

8 years ago

I expect nothing. I'm 100% sure that I won't be disappointed. There's no Heaven and no Hell after death. They only exist whilst we live and they are what we ourselves make them. They are not the construct of some divine being, for nonesuch exists. All we can do is to live our lives to the best of our abilities and hopefully cause no pain to others as we make our journey to oblivion. With luck, we will leave happy memories in the hearts of those we touch along the way, and by them, will achieve our own immortality.

8 years ago

well said, chris19578

8 years ago

I expect only a slap in the face with a shovel. There is no heaven, there is no hell. The entire concept is both intuitively and intellectually absurd. If there is an extra-corporeal existence to the energy of consciousness then it would be a non-judgmental one and the energy is simply recycled by the universe as is the matter of our physical being. That's why I make the most of the time I have and get as much dick as I can while I can. But then I plan to live forever. So far I've been successful.

8 years ago

i want family and friends to have a good time

8 years ago

Absolutely we enter nothing: we are the same as any other animal in the world, except we live on in the minds of others as memories and of course by hard memories like pictures,, film object etc

8 years ago

Death is going to be amazing, to have no tomorrow and no yesterday. To no longer have to worry about time and be at peace, and only to have the warm earth and green grass blanket you. I don't want any more after my death, no Heaven no Hell, just becoming one with the Earth. One comes from the Earth and returns back to it.