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Davey1965 Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 618 views 12 comments



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8 years ago

anybody has stolen my car i parked it on parking space No 06 last night :-)

8 years ago

Funny how many of us assume it is complicated yet for many children they tested it on solved it quickly. ..

8 years ago

Davey, this great at humbling me! Here I think I'm a freaking genius or something, and yet I stare at this over a minute & can't figure it out. David

8 years ago

My OCD helped with this, HAHA.

8 years ago

As i have been in the military we used the clear perspex screen called a back plot, writing and reading backwards is a difficult task, but think of the consequences if you get it wrong on a military back plot! ouch, brilliant puzzle though.

8 years ago

Damn I must be dumb then. I was like what Davey said I was thinking of a complex math problem to figure it out.

8 years ago

First grade was the three best years of my life but I over thought it myself.

8 years ago

87 numbers upside down

8 years ago

Well, apparently I'm NOT smarter than a 5th grader!

8 years ago

Clever, and way too early in the morning! I overthought It,

8 years ago

A logic puzzle has baffled the internet, but its solution is apparently so simple that a child can solve it in seconds.

The now-viral puzzle comes from a Hong Kong elementary school admission test for six-year-olds, who are required to solve it within 20 seconds.

The test, as reported by Centauro, features a drawing of a parking lot with a car positioned in one of the six numbered spots, blocking the number from view.

Based on the visible numbers, the students are asked to determine the number of the spot where the car is parked.

If you can't solve it right away, you're not alone: apparently, many adults have been stumped by the first-grade entrance exam question.

At first glance it might seem like logic or algebra is needed to find the right answer.

But, as it turns out, the solution is much easier than it first appears. It is explained below. The trick is to flip over the page - or the computer screen - with the drawing, making it apparent that the parking spots are numbered in a sequence, from 86 to 91.

The car is therefore in the second-left space, which is parking spot number 87.

Adults tend to overthink the question, erroneously believing that the solution is rooted in complex mathematics, but children, who have a tendency to look at things from various angles, quickly grasp the simplicity of the puzzle and nail the answer right away.

British puzzle inventor David Bodycombe told The Guardian this week that the parking lot logic problem is his brainchild, inspired by a car park he had seen in Portugal 20 years ago.

It follows a number of other seemingly difficult maths questions that have gone viral lately, including an Edexcel GCSE Maths question in the UK that had some students complaining on Twitter.

- Daily Mail