's Blogs

Hear their voices....Feel their pain...and get up off your asses and do something...sorry for the editorial

Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 303 views 3 comments

From the Huffington Post:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carl-siciliano/see-how-religious-homopho_b_8164200.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices


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8 years ago

Because of my mother and her family's beliefs, I am a sinner. They told me I am going to burn in hell for all eternity. Just because I am atracted to the same sex. I wanted to leave and run away. Living on the streets seemed better than to be abused constantly by someone's religious beliefs. This is one of many reasons why I am living with my sister. I do not like religion. The bible is a fucked up piece of shit book. You want to believe in the bible, that's your business. Do not try and push that shit on me.

8 years ago

This gets me so upset .....Love your Children NO matter what......ACCEPT them for who they are .....Dont let your religon take control of your Parental bond with your child ...LOVE THEM ALWAYS and make them feel welcome...Far to many LGBT children have died all alone with the dieying plea for acceptance for who they are . Hear their voice...Felll their pain...Thats the religious way that God would want ..

8 years ago

So sad that there are still so many homeless LGBT youth out there. I wish the fking religious leaders AND parents would wake up and search their hearts! I will NEVER understand how you can throw your own out into the street.